Fresh Peaches:
Her perfume smelled of fresh peaches. Like teh warm summer breeze. The sunlight shines over the fields, while the fishes swam in the nearby pond.
Dawn shines over the world, men and women brew there first cup of coffees while the children filled up their bowls with cereal one at a time. Everything moves slowly as if we were rewinding in slowmo. In the home of Mandarin.
Pumpkin Pleasure:
October brings a chill in the air. Sweater weather they say, the season for everything to come to an end once again. Everything we've worked so hard for gets sweeped into the chilly wind. Only to await for its return in the spring. A person sips a pumpkin latte pondering on the reason for the colour change in leaves.
Found Poem:
I've no doubt in my own mind that we have been invited here by a madman-probably a dangerous homicidal lunatic. The girl dashed to get a shotgun and listened to his pickup truck turn on. But he wan't the one who had turned it on. No, the tramp went away with a slinking sort of shuffle, as if he wished he were running full speed for the nearest corner. A feeling of panic brings on the mere appearance of silence and waves of nausea.