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                                               ıllıllı 3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ ıllıllı

It's been a while since Levi and Hanji meet and getting a long to each other. Telling each others past and struggles it is like they 're more than a friend to be exact.

As for Hanji, she started to get this feelings for Levi and she didn't want Levi to know cause it might ruined their 'Friendship' that's what she thought.

And as for Levi He's not sure if this feelings are real? Did he really fall for the mortal? He shook off the thought that he might like Hanji 'I can't be with her, she's a human unlike me a monster' he thought.

Levi's Pov

"Hanji?" I called out. I open her window to see her room empty.
"Hanji?" I called out again but this time a little louder.

Then i heard a sound of a faucet being turn off and a sound of a sweet humming.

I sniff and it turns out that, I smell lavender honey scent comming to that door "Oh yeah Hanji's bathroom'' she might be having a bath, great 'for the first time' i thought sarcastically.

Without a second I open the door to see Hanji naked.
We stared each other for a few seconds until she scream "Ahhh!!" It's not like I didn't see naked people though (-,- ).

She quickly covered her naked body with a towel that was hanging on wall "atleast! knock the door!? Levi!" She screamed and i did what she told me *knocks the door* "Done" i said in a bored way but deep inside of me, i was really quite enjoying her teasing "Before entering!!!" She screamed again.

I sighed "it's not l-" i didn't finnish my sentence  when ssh suddenly throw a bottle of shampoo on my face.

"Get out!"she demand.

"Yes ma'am" i said as i closed the door.

"Aw that hurts" groan.

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