Chapter 6

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Dear Yukio,

Today I had an unbelievably tough pop quiz. I'm pretty sure I got a high score, but I can't be sure. The teacher doesn't like me. He judges me for what I am instead of who I am. I'm sorry that I can't tell you the specifics. I really want to, I promise, but it's for your own safety. Funny huh? It's been 15 years, and I'm still fighting to protect you... only now I'm fighting my own want to tell you. Anyways, I think the teacher might try to do something tonight. I can't really specify, because you'd freak out, and I'd have to tell you the full situation, but after tonight you might be an only child. I'm sorry. I promise I'll try to fight, but I can't promise I'll be okay.

I'm so sorry little brother. I miss you. Please don't be angry or upset over my death. If I die, I have a letter that will explain everything that a friend will bring to you after making you promise a few things. Please know that I love you, and that I'm doing this for you.

I love you, Yukio.

Your big brother,

Rin Okumura


Igor Neuhaus stabbed the figure on the bed... only to stab pillows, "Where are you?"

"I'm right here." Rin said, turning on the light, "Why are you doing this?"

"Your father killed my wife!" Igor accused.

"I don't think of Satan as my father." Rin monotoned, "Fujimoto raised me. He's my true father."

Neuhaus growled before trying to charge at Rin. Rin flipped over Neuhaus, and ran out of the room. He needed to get help fast, but Neuhaus chased him onto the roof. It was almost morning. Rin just had to stay alive until the others woke up or until sunrise. Surely everyone would notice them fighting, and if they didn't, the sun would weaken the demons enough to destroy them.

It had been several hours, and Rin was exhausted. He knew he was probably going to die, and thank goodness he'd already sent his letter to his brother yesterday right before the mailman came. At least he got a last chance to apologize. He knew the mailman had already delivered it as his phone had rang several times with calls from Yukio before Neuhaus had crushed it. The others in the abandoned dorm were stil asleep, and Rin knew no one would be able to save him; morning was still another few hours away, and by then it would be too late. Rin was cornered by a towering ghoul summoned by Neuhaus. He closed his eyes, preparing to die when...


There was a loud sound, and the sun rose, causing the demon to collapse, and melt with an ear piercing screech.

"I'm not your enemy." Rin shouted, dodging as Neuhaus tried to stab him, "Half demon or not. I'm a 15 year old boy. I like manga. I'm trying to make amends with my younger brother because I can't tell him how our adoptive father, our true father, died at the hands of Satan. I can't leave him now. Please." Rin said, and Neuhaus paused, "My sperm donor, killed someone I care about, too. I would like nothing more than to kill him, too."

"You want revenge?" Neuhaus scowled.

"No." Rin responded, "The only thing I want is to protect my younger twin brother. He doesn't know about any of this. He's a smart, nerdy, scholarship student who wants to become a doctor! Satan could try to hurt him to get to me, and I can never witness that again - especially with Yukio!" Neuhaus dropped his weapon to his side, seeing Rin as he really was; a boy who just wanted to do good, but it always went wrong for him.

"Very well" Neuhaus told him, sheathing his weapon, "I must warn you - not many will listen to your pleas. Practice fighting without your flames to fend them off. I will be off. Other teachers will have realized my plot by now. Farewell, Rin Okumura, may we meet on pleasant terms if ever again." Rin nodded in respect for the man, and Neuhaus used a new summon to leave in the shadows. Rin turned around, and started back to his room, limping, bloody, and bruised. He barely made it across the roof before he heard a panicked shout.

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