Chapter 3: The Jedi hunt

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Ahsoka Tano is on Coruscant I hiding the Empire had not gotten subspecies about her whereabouts. Until Anakin felt Ahsoka's presents. Anakin. Ran off to find his lost padawan.
"Hello snips" Anakin says jumping behind her
"" "Stay away from me you killed master Kenobi!" Ahsoka yelled. "You killed Padmé and hundreds of jedi!" Ahsoka yelled once more
"Well the Jedi are enemies and they where the ones keeping the war going snips instead of doing what's best and letting the Senate deal with things and ending the war!" Anakin said
"Please snips come back with me like you did then we together can hunt down the rest of the Jedi" Vader said. Ahsoka could never see herself as a Sith Anakin her old master now had killed hundreds of jedi she can't forgive what he has done.
"HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT! Anakin you where once a Jedi you knew what we where fighting for" Ahsoka snapped
"By hurting and killing people!" Anakin exclaimed
"Anakin if the Jedi didn't fight back many more would have died!" Ahsoka said back.
"You know war doesn't work that way snips." He says in a calm tone
"I know" Ahsoka said softly
"Please snips stay my Padawan we can rule the Galaxy together" He says reaching for her shoulders. Just then a platoon of clones surrounds them both. Ahsoka looks around.
"I will not be a puppet of the Dark Side!" Ahsoka said loudly
"I knew you where going to say something like that snips." He turns to the clones "Put your guns to stun" he continued then turned back to Ahsoka "ready, Aim,A FIRE!" Anakin yelled the last word Ahsoka had a plan set up as soon as Anakin finished she jumped over the stun bolts and got over the clones. 'Running again just great' Ahsoka thought. Ahsoka is now running as fast as she could. The clones would never catch up to her just like the first time "AHSOKA NO!" Anakin yelled, she wanted to go back but she couldn't. Ahsoka was running out of options she couldn't run for long. Anakin was running fast but he isn't as fast as Ahsoka he knew that he could get her to come by force or by willingness. Anakin was at least five feet away from Ahsoka he force pushed her. Ahsoka lost her balance and fallen over because of how hard the push was. Anakin rose above Ahsoka he activated his lightsaber and pointed it at he neck it was no longer a blue blade but a blood red.
"You will come with us willingly or we can force you" Vader said. Ahsoka was frozen she didn't want to move. Ahsoka was scared even though she shouldn't be.
"What is it going to be!" Anakin shouted. Ahsoka wanted to cry but she couldn't make herself look week in front of all the clones.
"Ok well means you won't answer me we'll just have to do this the hard way" Anakin said. Ahsoka was still frozen in fear not because of the sith but the good man that she knew as Anakin Skywalker is now Darth Vader. Two clones picked up Ahsoka by her arms she was trying to fight the two clones off, but two more clones grabed hold of Ahsoka. She stoped trying to fight them off because she knew it would be no use. One of the clones handcuffed her. Ahsoka Tano was now defeated by Darth Vader. Anakin smiled that his old padawan was now in his custody. "Oh snips I will never let anyone kill you all you have to do is listen." Anakin looked to the clones holding her "TAKE HER TO THE SHIP" Anakin yelled. Ahsoka knew this was her chance to escape. The clones she didn't recognize them very well she couldn't even tell who they were. The men took her to the ship as they where about to enter she pushed her foot to the bottom of the ship and she jumped back. The clones lost their grip on Ahsoka. Anakin watched he knew she would be stubborn. Ahsoka actavatied her lightsabers knowing the clones didn't want to die. "Ahsoka no" Anakin cried out as she landed on her feet and started to run once more running from Anakin like she did six months ago. Anakin was haunted by the days she left. Anakin chased after Ahsoka. Anakin wouldn't stop until he had Ahsoka, he activated his lightsaber. Anakin started to use the force to mess her up, but that only gave Ahsoka a better chance of escape. Ahsoka started to jump over droids taking sharp turns and jumping to higher ground. Anakin had not lost Ahsoka yet, Anakin knew that she wasn't going to leave Coruscant she didn't have any ships that she could leave on. 'what if this was to lure me in a trap, no she wouldn't do that' Vader thought. Ahsoka stoped at a dead end "shoot!" Ahsoka yelled. When she got away from the Clones she had cut off the restraints that was put onto her.
"Oh snips you will not get away this time" Anakin said with a chuckle. Ahsoka looked at him almost in tears. Ahsoka couldn't help herself she dropped to her knees dropping both of her lightsabers. Anakin deactivated his lightsaber and force pulled Ahsoka's lightsabers to him. Anakin walked over to Ahsoka and put a hand on her chin. Ahsoka was trying not to cry last time she cried that she could rember was walking away from the Jedi order. ( yes Ahsoka did cry when she walked away from the Jedi order you can see it on her right side of her cheek just look carefully) "Oh snips always so small and delicate" Anakin said. When Anakin said that it sparked something in Ahsoka she launched herself at Anakin holding him down by his neck but not choking him. "ANAKIN LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU OR YOU EMIPER! YOU'RE A COWARD FOR JOINING THE DARK SIDE!" Ahsoka yelled but as she finished she realized what she had done she backed off of Anakin. Ahsoka was trembling now "see snips you don't got the guts to kill me " Vader said with a chuckle.
"You don't have the guts to kill me too" Ahsoka said softly. Anakin shoved her to the ground. Something hit Ahsoka's back she cried out in pain. Then looked up at The Sith Lord. Vader looked down at Ahsoka and kneels down at her once more.
"I'm not letting you get away this time" Vader said with a smile. Vader picked up Ahsoka from her arms and cuffed her. Ahsoka couldn't believe what is happening 'Anakin is taking me in and probly going to have clones kill me' Ahsoka thought. Anakin could feel Ahsoka's struggle from his grip. "Oh stop fighting me Ahsoka you're not getting away from me" Anakin said gripping her tighter. Ahsoka looked up at Anakin with tears in her eyes. Anakin felt a small grief deep inside him. ' let her go she has been through enough pain in her life... no I want her to remain my Padawan and that we could rule The Galaxy just me and her.. no she won't go with you' Anakin was fighting himself he didn't want to lose her again but he also wanted her to be free. ' No she is coming with me' Anakin made his finale decision. Ahsoka keep trying to get away but Anakin's grip was too strong for her. Anakin knew there was no why for Ahsoka to leave his grip. Ahsoka stoped trying it was no use.
"Good snips" Vader said with a evil smile, Ahsoka shivered. Four Clones pointed their blasters at Ahsoka, she couldn't fight back and make sure they wouldn't stun her because of Anakin's grip on her arm, all of a sudden the men stunted her. Anakin caught Ahsoka before she hit the ground.
"Wow snips you're light" he whispered even though Ahsoka couldn't hear him. Ahsoka's head laid on Anakin's shoulder and her arms was sitting on her lap. Anakin was carrying Ahsoka bridle style. Anakin was happy to have Ahsoka in his arms. When Anakin reached the ship he put her down and he sat next to her holding Ahsoka close.
"General where to" Clone trooper Ben said (my sister gave me the name Ben so he will be in this story more often) "Take us to Mustafar" Anakin said
"Yes sir" Ben Replied. Anakin trusted Ben with his life after Rex supposedly died. Ben's CT number is CT-93-66. Anakin felt a little sad because of what he's done but also forcing Ahsoka to come with him. They jumped to hyperspace.

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