02 | winter

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This is insane... Y/n was aghast at the sight before her. It was a medieval style village, with a large castle atop a hill filled with orange and red trees. The whole village was filled with them. Glowing insects flew around the sky, as well as the people living there.

Y/n received some strange glances.

The Autumn Spirit spoke up, "Come on, I'll let you meet the other Seasons."

"I never thought I'd hear that.." She mumbled. Y/n cleared her throat, "What's your name, other than 'The Spirit of Autumn'?"

"We don't have names. Well, except for what we represent. I'm either Autumn or Fall."

"I'll call you Autumn, then. My name is Y/n, by the way."

"Pretty name." He smiled at her, but quickly shook his head, "The castle is a long ways ahead."

"You live in that castle?"

"Yup. This is our own kingdom. We don't have a King or Queen, just four princes."

"The four Seasons?"

"You got it."

"Can't you just fly me or something?" Y/n asked.

He looked her up and down, "Who do you think I am? Your carriage?"

Y/n crossed her arms, "It was just a suggestion."

Autumn snickered and shook his head, "Come on, we can take my horse."


He gave a loud whistle, and an elegant brown horse appeared from the trees. The horse stopped in front of Autumn and Y/n.

Autumn got up onto the saddle and offered his hand to the girl. She was about to take it before he took it back.


He chuckled, "Just messing with you.." Autumn helped her up and got her to sit comfortably behind him. "Hold on tight." He said.

Y/n wrapped her arms around him, rather weakly.

"Tighter." He said.

"Alright, alright.." She wrapped her arms around him tight, hearing a small wheeze come out of him.

"Not that tight.." He said with a shortage of breath.

"Sorry~" Y/n teased and released her grasp by a little bit.

The horse took off to the castle and Y/n watched the scenery of the classic Fall colors surround her.

What a dream this is.. Y/n sighed, No.. There's no way this is a dream. How can this even be real?

Maybe ten or so minutes later, the horse came to a stop.

Autumn got off the horse and helped Y/n get off.

Guards were swarmed around a large gate that lead to the castle.

"Your highness!" They all said in unison, bowing as well.

He put his hand up in a casual manner, a wave of "Good evening, your Highness!" erupted from the crowd of guards.

Autumn made his way through the gates, but the guards prevented Y/n from getting through. She started panic, somehow embarrassed.

"She's with me." Autumn said.

"Apologies, your Highness!" The guards let Y/n through and their made their way through grandiose doors to the castle.

"Wow..." Y/n looked around, and her eyes landed on a tall boy with black hair and dull blue eyes.

"Oh. Hello." He said. The boy was not wearing any clothes, just a towel. "It's rather cold in here."

Autumn sighed, "Winter, put some clothes on!" He whined.

"Hm? Why?"

"We have a lady over."

Winter made his way down a large set of stairs and walked up to the two, "Who are you? Are you a village girl looking for a deal?"

"Um, no.."

"I brought her from the middle realm."

"The middle realm?" Winter's eyes widened, "Brother, what are you thinking?" He inspected her. "How come she can see us?"

Autumn shrugged, "Don't know. But she can see us, so I brought her here."

Y/n crossed her arms, "Clearly you could see me, you were staring at me nonstop.."

"W-What?! Get your head out of the g-gutter!"

She blinked.


"Sorry. My brother can be a bit stubborn at times." Winter said.

"Yeah go put some clothes on Iceberg."

Winter walked away, mumbling the word 'Iceberg'.

"You can go look around if you want. I'll be in my room- which is up four stories and to the right."

"Wait, but won't my family report me missing?"

"Time moves slower than the middle realm. An hour here is a minute there."

"Oh, that's convenient."

. . .

Classical music played quietly, and Y/n was drawn to the sound. A violin with a became louder and louder, and Y/n knew she was going to the right direction.

Winter stood, playing the instrument, moving along with the song he was playing. Windows surrounded him, as well as plush white sofas. The girl found herself entranced in his music, Winter as well, as her presence was unknown to him. His eyes stayed close, facing the windows. The outside was still covered in orange and yellow leaves, but Winter somehow made this area his own.

Y/n found herself with her eyes closed, even as the music had come to a stop.

"Oh. Hello, I didn't see you there. I haven't formally introduced myself. My brothers call me Winter. You?"

"I'm Y/n. Um, nice to meet you." She cleared her throat, "You're really good. I'm impressed."

"Thank you. Did Autumn show you around the village? If not, I'd love to show you."

"Oh, uh, no he didn't. You really want to do that?"

"It would be my pleasure."

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