s l h 🌙 fifteen

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warning: usage of strong language and abuse

"mom? dad?" he said in complete shock, he had completely forgotten that they were coming home.

"hey jeongin." his mother said, her usual look in disgust on her face, but this was worse.

"hello son." his father stood with his arms crossed, he looked around and saw what he had forgotten to put away.

a thong and skirt.

"you had a girl over while we were gone i see?" his father question and he laughed nervously.

"uh yeah, i-i apologize." he stuttered, grabbing the articles of clothing.

"god, you're so fucking stupid if you think that we dont know about what went on while we were gone." his father spat, he grabbed the small boys wrist and gripped tightly.

"fucking fag, we watch the news." his mother hissed, she stood watching as her husband restrained himself from hitting their son.

"i-i can explain." jeongin tried his best not to cry, his wrists were already bruising.

"you have nothing to explain, we already know how much of a dirty fag you are." his father said as he gripped tighter.

"d-dad please, let go!" jeongin cried, his father grabbing him by his hair, pulling him to the door.

"i dont ever wanna see your faggot ass near my house again!" his father opened the door and literally threw him out, slamming the door harshly.

he sat on the porch crying and shaking. pulling out his phone and clicking on felixs number.

"f-felix?" he choked.

"woah, innie, whats wrong baby?" felix asked.

"ca-can i-i please c-co-" "yes, of course." felix said and chan hung up before getting in his car, he tried his best to stop crying so he could drive but luckily felix wasnt that far.

he parked his car in the driveway and walked into felixs house.

"jeongin, sweetheart are you okay?" felix's mom asked, pulling the boy into a hug as felix ran down the stairs. "oh my, what happened to your wrists?" she asked, seeing the fresh bruises.

"m-my parents kicked me ou-out." he stuttered, his body shaking from anxiety.

"oh no, baby you can stay with us, right mom?" felix looked at his mom with pleading eyes.

"of course you can." she answered, still holding jeongin in her arms. "how about you go take a nice warm bath to calm down, felix go run the water please? and i'll go get you some ice cream." she kissed the boys forehead and pulled away causing him to whine.

"come on innie." felix grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs to the bathroom.

"n-no stay with me." jeongin mumbled, as felix went to exit the bathroom.

"jeongin we haven't taken a bath together since we were 5." felix chuckled and jeongin looked up to him with watery eyes. "okay, fine."

jeongin smiled and poured a little too much bubbles in the bath.

"jeongin! you cant-" felix realized he was yelling when the boy started to shake more. "fuck, im sorry, cmon." felix pulled up the youngers shirt and then his own. they completely stripped from their clothes and got into the bath.

the bubbles going up to their chest and jeongin splashed some at his best friend.

they sat in the bath just talking for about an hour until it started to get cold and they looked like raisins.

instead of putting clothes on they both just put on the fuzzy robes felix had.

they walked downstairs and into the kitchen where felixs mom was putting away the ice cream. jeongin grabbed on of the ice creams and frowned.

"whats wrong?" felixs mom asked.

"i miss channie." he mumbled, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"awh jeongin, imma beat him up when they get back i promise." felix said, crossing his arms to look tuff.

"lixie you couldn't hurt him if you wanted." jeongin giggled as he grabbed a spoon.

they went to felixs room and sat on his bed, turning on big time rush.

"i love btr." jeongin smiled as he filled his mouth with the ice cream. "c-can hyunjin and seungmin come over?" jeongin asked.

"of course bub." felix replied, pulling out his phone to text the two.

"i wish i would've just dated seungmin so my life wouldn't be so chaotic." jeongin mumbled, felix rolled his eyes as he ran a hand through the red heads hair.

"but you cant force yourself to like someone." felix said.

"i know but everyone i like turns out to be jerks. did i tell you i went on a date this morning? shes such a sweetheart and she's gorgeous." jeongin mumbled causing his best friend to smile.

"did you kiss her?" felix asked.

"no, i was too pussy, i've lost my game." jeongin groaned, setting his ice cream on the side table and laying his head on felixs lap.

"we should probably put clothes on if seungmin and hyunjin are coming over." felix said and jeongin whined.

"i dont care, im comfy." jeongin mumbled, grabbing felix's hand and holding it.

"im sad that summers almost over." felix said, jeongin groaned.

"ew don't remind me, i think im gonna do online for my last year." jeongin said and felix gasped.

"you cant leave me for our last year, please." felix whined.

"i dont know its just a thought." jeongin mumbled, rolling onto his stomach to face felix. "do you think that chan even cares that he hurt me?"

"chans just scared." felix mumbled.

"of what?" jeongin asked, rolled his eyes.


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