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I knew it, something going to happen!......why god!! why you are testing my patience?. Why can't I get everything smoothly. What will I do now? Everything is ruined now." Annika whine, she was  informed that chief guest, a renowned author has ditched to attend the ceremony. Now they don't have anyone available for today.

The only thing that is satisfactory is the secret of the chief guest. They didn't informed media about the name. So they don't know that someone has back off from the  launch of new book, and debut of an author.

AmarPrem were fanatically calling everybody whom they rejected earlier but everybody seems engaged that day. Though it's not important to have someone renowned in a launch but it would definitely add an extra stars in their Kitty.

Annika was on verge of crying. In her stupidity she was left alone. She arrived at the venue early so that she could feel the whole vibe and get use to it, reduce the nervousness. Shivaay left for his office, as he didn't cancel his meetings.

Walking too and fro, Annika was trying to calm herself down. Nothing is right. She was alone, she reached before time, AmarPrem were still at their office they are trying to call her but she is not picking anybody's call, she dreaded if another bad news makes her way.

Why she didn't invite Shivaay??? it amazes her how he has became so important in her life. She looks at him with expectations, he will sought everything for her. Like a knight in shining armour for her. His support, soothing words are now her necessary supplement. She fears too, what if all her hopes crashes like a broken glass. Because she knows expecting big things only disappoint, in her case, it's history of her life. Always abandoned by the people she loved.

On the verge of crying she picked up a call, without looking at the caller ID. And a husky yet melodious voice filled her ears. The moment she heard him saying her name her adamant tears fell from its source.

"Annika....how's it going?" He said cheerfully, she guessed he is impatient to hear all the arrangements and her excitement. But she could only feel the lump on her throat, withheld to not let him know, about her condition.

"Ms. Writer, what happened? So busy to even talk to me or success got you on nerve haan...?" He joked. Nobody other than him would be so proud of her. He felt he is getting prize. Her success,happiness makes him feel proud of himself. Shivaay was confused when he didn't get any sarcastic answer from her then he realized, she is upset;crying.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you crying? Is anything wrong? Annika... Are you... okay?" His voice shaking with tension building up. So strange his confidence goes a downhill when he sees her weak.

Annika sobbed, unable to answer him, she liked to project herself strong around people, strangely she can't with him, it's like she is transparent around him. She is sure about one thing,she loves him. Now living without him is next to impossible for her.

"Ann....you have to tell me na what happened? How would I know, if you start crying....tell me please." He said pacing around in his cabin. He can't sit there and do nothing.

"Nothing much...... important it's just I feel lonely here, nobody's there. Gauri is coming late I didn't invite you and now....." She stopped.

"Now... What?" Shivaay asked, listening to her talking, she has stopped crying but he could feel her sniff's.

"It's just, nothing is falling in place, our chief guest ditched us, and we are not finding anybody. Guess it has to be like this only. It's nothing much ......but I feel a little cornered by the situation. I am not habituated to all these fuss you know, simple and non problematic life, I had. " She added With disappointment.

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