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"The great stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones  you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably. They don't deceive you with thrills and tricks ending. They don't surprise you with the unforeseen. They are as familiar as the house you live in. Or the smell of your lover's skin. You must know how they end, yet you listen as though you don't. In the great stories you know who lives,who dies,who finds love, who doesn't. And yet you want to know again."

(These are not my words, I borrowed it from Arundhati  Roy from,'God of small things'.)

With a loud applause, Annika concluded her speech. The pride, honour in Shivaay's eyes was not a miss. He looked at her awe eyed, loved her more. Respected her more. A happiness engulfed his wide chest,that she belongs to him. She is made for him, A pure soul, a talented person who enchanted everybody with her beautiful words. Something magical she wrote. And he was lost in those brown orbs getting lost in pool of light, which shined when she recited her last few lines from the book. It was mesmerising.

The celebration after the press meet ended with Annika's beautiful recitation of her book. She read a paragraph from her book.


They settled down on the bed, she was resting on his chest, while he back hugged her possessively. He can't let go her now even for a minute, finally she expressed her feelings.

"I love what you said in the last, speech. You made a new fan." He said kissing her sideways.

She giggled at that,"you started to understand literature? Wow, that's new!"

"No. Seriously, I have never heard something so inspiring. Thank you for writing that, Thank you for becoming a writer " he pressed her more to him.

"I guess, I am also glad I became a writer. O was always fascinated by the words, A writer can create a new world you know. Imaginary, creating different characters, their emotions in different ways. And in reality, inspiring and acknowledging people of real world. They can show you mirror of reality, and also take you to a different world altogether. I always wanted to be writer. Also I thought, if I can't make it then I'll make my child the one, a writer."

Suddenly Annika got alarmed and excited, she had some unidentified naughtiness in her eyes.

"I want my child to be the best person you know. A perfect person, who understands people, who loves the world inside and out. Somebody whom world will look upto and who is an inspiration.. compassionate, sincere, polite, loved and respected." Annika said gleefully.

"In short not like me.." Shivaay stated disappointed, he never got those compliment in his life. Annika turned and looked at him. Her eyes on his, she caressed his stuble and pecking his cheeks.

"Exactly like you. I want my child to be exactly like you......." A pause which gave him an assurance that he heard it right.

"I know you in and out. I know who you are. So don't talk crap about my Shivaay okay." She said and settled back to his chest.

"Your Shivaay? Who is that?" He smiled.

"Yes,m us Shivaay, who is not arrogant, not selfish not snobbish and who is very sensitive and loves me more than anybody.", Annika said with a cute pout like a baby, who has just finished e her favorite person to some stranger. Shivaay chuckled at that.

" You can see through me right? I am all naked around you. " He said as matter of fact.

" Haw.... cheapde..." Annika hit his hands which was wrapped on her waist.

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