26-Where is she?

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**Elisa's POV**

The man had put a rag around my mouth as i was still screaming. Then i stopped, because i knew what rag it was, it was the one when you inhale while its on your mouth you go unconcious.

But, my dumbass couldnt control my breathing because i was so scared. I inhaled and that was it. It was dark.

**Kian's POV**

Alyssa and Annie told us Elisa said she would be back around 5 or 6:30. Its 8 and we are getting worried.

She hasnt texted or called us saying that she would be running late. We have tried calling her and she wont answer. We tried texting. No answer.

We called her mom and dad to see if maybe she were with them. Nope. We just got them very worried.


Trevor Ricky Alyssa Annie Rosy and I were starting to become impatient. Walking back and forth checking our phones for messages and the time, missed calls. We kept looking out the window for her car. Alyssa Annie and Rosy broke down, they kept saying, What if something happened to her? What if what she was talking about was true and it happened to her? What if she is in serious trouble and we are just sitting here?

We all comforted them, trying to ca them down comforting them.

I was comforting Alyssa. Obvisously. Connor comforting Annie. Trevor and Ricky comforting Lia. Sam comforting Rosy.

I kept suggested that we should tell Jc. I know he likes Elisa, he told me, and if anything were to happen to her and we didnt tell him, he. Would. Freak.

They kept saying No. No we shouldnt have him worry. He is with his family. We will deal with this. They obvisiously didnt know.

I called him anyway, because i felt that he needed to know.



"Jc. Hi"

"I thought i said not to call me because i with my family."

"Sorry. But..." he interuppted me.

"But....what?" I didnt answer.

"But what, Kian? Who is crying?" He heard the girls crying in the back ground.

I lied. "They didnt get the shoes that wanted which were on sale." I said with a nervous laugh.

I didnt know what else to say.

"Okay?" He sais with a weird voice.

"When are you coming back?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"A day or two why?"

"Just wondering." there was a silent pause, until Jc broke it.

"Kian, whats really wrong? I know thy arent crying because they didnt get shoes."

"Nothing. Really, Jc. its nothing" I hung up before he could say anything else. They were right. I couldnt tell him it was too hard.

**Lia's POV**

Im an amazing actress. I never knew that until now. They actually think im crying and sad that Elisa is gone.

Idiots. I could care less where that ugly ass bitch you guys call Elisa is.

Im glad she is gone. She waa taking Jc from me. Jc is mine and always will be. They think me and Elisa got "close". No, they were wrong. I hate Elisa because she told me she likes Jc and i hate her for that. I think Jc likes her,too, but i cant stay mad at Jc, because, well, hes Jc.

She will not take Jc from me, they have known eachother for atleast, 3 or 4 weeks. I have known Jc for 6 years, he is mine. And only mine.

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