New Kids On The Block

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"Roman Alexandria Goodman, get up now or so help me I'll take away your book collection!" the girl's mother yelled.

That drew Roman out of bed and into defensive mode. "I'm up Mom, Jesus chill."
She rolled herself out of bed and into her bathroom.

After a swift shower and brushing her teeth, she was out and getting dressed.

Roman was never one for fashionable clothes, she just wore what she felt comfortable with wearing. So when her mother saw that she had chosen something that wasn't remotely close to sweats, she freaked out.

"Are those leggings? Are you okay?" her mother asked.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just wanted to wear something nice for a change." she said, self consciously looking at what she had chosen for the day.

A thin, long sweater, a pair of leggings and knee high boots adorned with her pin laden backpack. She thought there was nothing wrong with what she wore today as she put her hair up into a messy bun and swiped on some mascara. Roman thought she looked fine and added some winged eyeliner and a bit of lip gloss on her lips.

"Is there a boy at school I should be worried about you fornicating with or something?" her mother, Rita, asked.

"Mom, there's nothing for you to worry about. Especially not a boy. I just wanted to look like a girl for once in my life." Roman explained.

Her mother smiled, opening her arms for a hug. "I never thought you would wear anything I bought you, but you look fan-frickin-tastic!"

Roman hugged her mother back before grabbing a banana and her keys. "Gotta go, love you mom!" she called as she walked out the door.

"Bye sweetie, drive safe please!" Her mother called out to her.

School was something Roman often found herself enjoying. She understood everything going on in her classes and often ended up being the top student in her classes. She helped out all her teachers and was sometimes referred to as the teachers pet. Not that she minded.

"Roman! What the heck are you wearing?" Roman's best friend, Claire Morgan said.

Roman investigated her clothes, wondering why everyone was on her case about what she wore.

"I'm wearing something I've recently become comfortable with wearing." she replied curtly.

Claire regarded her for a second more before deciding to change the subject.

"Did you hear there's two new students?" she asked.
Roman raised her eyebrows, showing her confusion for the world to see.

"Right, you live under a rock. I forgot," Claire joked, "Well, twins just transferred here from Florida. A boy and a girl. The Milano twins."

Roman wasn't even shocked at the gossip her friend shared. "How do you even find out these things?"

"Because they're friends with Katherine."

Roman rolled her eyes. Katherine Doherty, the bane of her existence. Katherine was the queen bee of Palo Alto Academy. She became school famous due to her being the first one to find her soulmate freshman year. Apparently that was the coolest thing ever and she began her rise to school stardom. It annoyed Roman to no end. But seeing as Katherine seemed to think Roman was the scum of the earth since she was best friends with her soulmate, Evan Rikards.

Evan had been Roman's best friend since birth. Their parents were best friends. He knew everything about her, and her, him. They were inseparable. That was, until freshman year. Katherine came to Palo Alto and turned all her constants into never agains. Roman hated Katherine and Katherine hated Roman , simple as that.

So you can imagine Roman's disgust with anyone who had become friends with Katherine Doherty. It was inevitable.

"So Katherine's got more people to follow behind her. Greeeeeat." Roman deadpanned.

"Who knows? Maybe the queen bee won't have two more people to rule." Claire hoped.

Claire couldn't have been more correct.

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