Lunch Dates

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The first time Roman saw Ava Milano was chemistry with Mr. Evankraper. She had walked in a little late but the class had already started. She had a slight blush on her cheeks, maybe she was running. Her dark hair framed her face perfectly and her soft looking skin made her look like a goddess. Her eyes were a light grey and Roman wondered what color they actually were. She scanned the classroom and quickly glanced towards Roman. She lingered on her for a second longer, observing her body before she bit her lip and moved on. Roman tried to hide the blush forming on her face as Mr. Evankraper addressed the girl.

"You must be Ms. Milano. Welcome to Chemistry 12. Please take a seat next to Mr. Kramer." he said, pointing to Kevin Kramer, who was asleep until his name was called.

Kevin lifted his head quickly, confusion filling his features before he blushed and moved his things over to give the girl more room.

During the lesson on electrons, Roman let her focus slip into the back of her mind while she thought of other things.

She simply wondered if Ava and her brother would end up falling under Kat's spell or if they would follow their own path. It was only a matter of time before they found out and it wouldn't matter to her or not anyway. She didn't see herself hanging out with the girl from Florida. Her only friends at that school were Claire and Raye Jordan. She didn't try to associate herself with anyone because of her trust issues with Evan.

"...Ms. Goodman. Ms. Goodman!" 

Roman snapped herself out of her reverie and tried to compose herself. She noticed the whole class was watching her and a slight blushed formed on her cheeks.

"I apologize Mr. Evankraper. What were you saying?" she asked politely.

"I was asking how many electrons you could fit into the sixth shell of an atom." he asked, a smug expression on his face as he crossed his arms.

"Umm...thirty-two, sir." she answered, hoping she was right.

"HA. You're wr-right." Mr. Evankraper said, his face falling.

"Pay attention next time Ms. Goodman." he said.

She threw him a thumbs up and the class laughed at that.

Twelve minutes later, the bell rang and she found herself being one of the first ones out. Her next period was lunch and she was excited for that so she skipped down the hallway and to her locker.

Claire and Raye met her there and they laughed at her happy antics. Roman grabbed her car keys and the three of them got in her car and drove to Panera. After ordering, the three sat down and ate their food.

"Dude, guess what!" Claire suddenly exclaimed, effectively scaring everyone at the table.

"Claire, you now have our attention?" Raye said, putting his spoon into his soup and clasping his hands together in front of his face, staring at Claire.

Roman did the same, raising her eyebrows in question.

Claire seemed to be bouncing off her seat, as she had been the whole time. "I met my soulmate today!" she squealed, happiness evident all over her face.

Shock ran through Roman's mind, along with a little envy and a bunch of pride. The same could be said for Raye.

"Congrats Claire! That's frickin dope!" Roman congratulated, her heart swelling with happiness for her friend.

Raye squealed before standing up, grabbing Claire's hands, pulling her up, and jumping up and down with her.

Everyone was staring at them, wondering what the issue was. Roman looked at them, laughing her head off at the antics of her best friends.

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