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Louis's POV
Today we're leaving Bali and heading back home. I already made an appointment for Harry to see if the baby can be seen yet.

"Oh my god Louis! Olivia is already 8 months old! Just in 4 months she'll be 1 years old...my baby is growing up so fast.." I could already hear Harry crying in the other room. I smiled softly because of how cute he was when he is pregnant.

Harry is like an adorable kid when he's pregnant. It's really cute, but I'm starting to think that we're going to have another girl because of his emotional hormones.

"Louis!" I jumped when I heard Harry's voice close by. I turned and I saw him looking really mad at me. "Are you fuck in ignoring me?!" He hissed and I was taking back. With Harry, cursing is very rare. He's too nice and cute to even say such rude things.

"No sweetheart, I w-" "was just not going to respond the age of our daughter? Okay, I get it," He crossed his arms and I shook my head.

"No, no no no baby. I'm very happy that our little girl is turning 1. I am also happy to witness the possibility of seeing our new little monster or princess."

"We're not replacing Olivia, Louis. She's a princess too," Harry frowned and I nodded. "Of course Harry. She will always be a pretty little princess. We just have another one so they could always share their royalty. If we're having a girl then we'll have 2 princesses, and if we have a boy then we'll have a princess and a prince." I explained.

Harry nodded and smiled, "Good,"was the only thing he said before he went back to packing.

A few hours later
We finally landed and I checked the time to see that it was already time for Harry's appointment. We walked to our designated suv and they drove us to the hospital.

We walked through the doors and I sighed the two of us in and we waited for Harry's name to be called.

Harry held my hand and leaned his head on my shoulder while we were waiting. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" A doctor called as he walked into the room. Harry and I stood up and we met up with the doctor. He smiled at the two of us and walked us to where Harry will be given his ultrasound.

He held my hand, because he knew that the gel was going to be cold. It tightened once he felt the gel make contact with his skin.

"Well, I'm happy to say that you two will not just be having one baby, but you're having two! You see those two small dots in the black pack right there?" She pointed at the screen and we looked to see exactly what we are talking about.

"Well, I'm happy to say that you two will not just be having one baby, but you're having two! You see those two small dots in the black pack right there?" She pointed at the screen and we looked to see exactly what we are talking about

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"And since they are together, then they will be identical twins." She informed us. I looked at Harry to see her in tears. He looked at me and smiled, "Aww Lou, you're crying." He told me and I touched my face and he was right. I was that happy that I didn't even notice that I was in tears.

"Now about the genders, I'll have to run a few tests to find out. Just hang here for a moment." We nodded and she walked out of the room.

From there, we ran a few tests on Harry and when we received the news, she was walking back in.

"Well I guess this explains your husband's emotional but also unexpected behavior. Harry's having twins and it's a girl and boy."

I smiled so wide and we thanked her for giving us the great news. She wiped the gel off of Harry and she told us that we may leave if we wanted too. We got ready and walked out hand-in-hand and we walked to our car.

"So I'm going to be giving birth to twins Lou." Harry said softly as he rubbed his no-show swollen baby.

We drove home and when we got home we went straight to Olivia. We thanked Anne for watching over her. She smiled and said it wasn't a problem. She left and we smiled as Harry lifted our baby girl into the air.

"Are you excited O-O? You're going to be a big sister to your soon to be siblings!" Harry announced to her. Now since she still doesn't understand english, she just giggled and messed was if Harry's hair like she always does.

"And guess who's turning 1 in 4 months?" I then asked her and I tickled her belly as I repeated rhe words, "You are, yes you are." She laughed and kicked her feet as she was still in Harry's grip.

"Now do you still remember how to say my name?" I asked her and she looked at me and smiled as she said and pointed at me, "dad...Louis," then she looked at Harry, "dada...Harry." "You know I'm still happy that I was your first words." Harry stated with a soft smile.

I smiled at him and when he faced me I kissed him. It was like a 5 second kiss, but you know how we feel about them.

Harry placed Olivia in her play pin when we all walked to the living room. I relaxed with Harry as he was laying on top of me with his head on top of my chest. I placed one hand at the small of his back and the other was placed firmly on his ass.

The two of us and Olivia were watching Max and Ruby. Now I think k that she liked Max mode since he related with her so well. She is like a troublemaker, but she also had some smart moments at times.

I smiled as I looked at her. I saw how intrigued she was into the show. I saw how happy she was while watching the show.

"You know I can't believe I'm living this life right now. I have the best husband ever. I have the most beautiful baby girl that has ever existed, and I'm also getting two more, and it's all because of you Harry. You make my life like a rainbow and so magical and I can't ever thank you enough." I said with a soft smile and looked down at Harry.

He lifted up his head to look at me and I saw his beautiful smile that displayed his dimples and took my breath away within an instant.

"I love you too Lou," He said heart-warmingly. He leaned a little upwards and planted a soft kiss to my lips. Our kiss was interrupted by my phone going off.

I checked it to see Simon has texted me.

Simon: We have something that is needed to be discussed and we need the two of you to stop by tomorrow for you to hear what we have to say.

Why do I have this feeling that this "meeting" is going to be good? I thought to myself and I showed the text to Harry who reacted the same way.

This better not ruin our relationship, or so help me god...
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