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I spent the whole day at her house. We talked, cooked, did some baking, helped her mom plan the food and drink for the part tomorrow, watched a couple of episodes of Friends, and in the end, she invited me to stay over.

"Wait," she said, scrubbing her face with cleanser. "You're coming to the party right?"

I stood next to her, brushing my teeth, and shrugged. I took the toothbrush out of my mouth for a moment. "They invited me, but I don't know if I'm gonna go."

Her hands dropped to her side, the foam from the soap flying everywhere. "Are you serious."

I nodded.

"Come on, Bella." She said with slight disapproval. "It'll be fun!"

I tilted my head, taking the toothbrush out again. "Either you'll be with Zion and leaving me by myself, or you'll be all sad and depressed that he's with some other girl."

She laughed. "Still."

I shook my head.

"Bella! I promise I won't be sad and depressed. And even if I leave you alone, you're friends with all the other guys. And their friends."

I shrugged.

After a few more minutes of trying to convince me, she gave up. When we were finished in the bathroom, we crashed back onto the bed, hugging some pillows. She turned on the small fairy lights hung on the walls across her room. A warm yellow glow filled the room.

"I'm not going."

She sighed.

"I have stuff to do tomorrow, and I don't think you need my help with him."

"Okay, whatever."

The next morning, I helped her get ready. We curled her hair, did her makeup, spent hours picking the right dress, spent another hour trying to properly glue on the fake lashes, and spent another hour trying to figure out which shoes matched the dress. Four hours later, she was ready to go. I headed home while she helped her mom and started her way to the event.

Halfway home, I started to regret not going. What if Zion actually developed feelings for her? What if what we had was just a fling? It could be all over in one night just because I didn't go to the stupid event. But now that I'd left, I couldn't do anything about it. I considered asking the driver to turn back around, but I couldn't.

If he really does having feelings for me, he won't do anything with anyone tonight.

I repeated that over and over again; in the Uber, on the way to my room, in the shower. I few hours later, I was in my bed, the sun setting outside my window. I checked my phone: 7:00 PM. The party had started.

I groaned, regretting my decision to stay home. But even if I could get ready, I'd be almost an hour late. I'd rather just not go at all. I stayed in bed for the rest of the night, watching a TV show from Netflix, refreshing Instagram and Netflix every five minutes to see if anyone posted anything; specifically Zion or Leeza. But there was nothing.

I refreshed every now and then, but there was nothing. At 10:00 PM, I gave up and closed my eyes.

Jealousy | Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now