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"Come on JK! Where are you?" A now ten-year-old Tae Hyung called through his empty house. Entering his kitchen Tae took off his blue backpack and tossed it carelessly onto the wooden table.

"You called?"

Turning around Tae smiled at the raven-haired vampire. "Jungkook, you know I hate it when you do that."

"Do what?" JK asked teasingly.

"Appear behind me. It's really creepy. I swear one of these days I'll be walking down the stairs and then I'll call for you and I'll fall down the stairs because you startled me." Tae answered as he pulled out one of the chairs and took a seat. Unzipping his backpack he pulled out a green three ring binder. Opening it he flipped through the papers before stopping on a page. "So Kookie, do you think you can help me with fractions?"

Taking a seat next to the blonde , Jungkook looked over the sheet of paper covered with Math problems. "If I remember how to do it, but from the looks of it I can."

Tae smiled. "Okay. I'll try solving the problems first and I'll tell you if I need help, is that okay with you?"

Jungkook nodded his head and watched as the boy got to work. As the minutes ticked by JK folded his arms on top of the table, rested his head on top of them and let his mind wander. It'd been almost six years since he had first meet Tae and he didn't regret spending them watching over the blonde.

The vampire felt himself smiling warmly at Tae, but he didn't mind. Over the years he had grown to love Tae. Often he found himself pondering about turning the boy, but he knew it would be best to wait till Tae had aged more and then see if that's what the boy wanted too. Was this how Nam Joon had felt after spending so much time with Seok Jin? No wonder he had been so mad when he had found JK spying on the bluenette.

"Kookie? Why are you looking at me like that?" Tae asked innocently.

JK blinked. Tae's voice had knocked him out of his daze. "No reason. I'm just happy," JK responded calmly.

"Oh!" Tae was quiet and looked like he was thinking something over before he hesitantly spoke up. "I'm happy too Kookie."

Warmth settled all around Jungkook. Knowing that Tae was happy around him was like heaven to him. It was nice to know that centuries of drinking people's blood and only talking to Nam Joon hadn't affected him too much.


Jin sat on the couch in the living room watching the TV screen intently. He had been flipping through the channels when he found Bt21 on.

"Hey Nam Joon why don't you come out of the shadows and sit on the couch with me?" Jin asked, secretly hoping RM would accept the offer.

Someone must have heard Jin's prayer because RM silently left the shadows and took a seat next to Jin. Luckily no one would be home for another hour, so RM didn't have to worry about anyone seeing him.

Jin sighed in contentment and leaned his head against RM's shoulder. The vampire stiffened but relaxed at the contact, causing Jin to smile and snuggle closer. "Thanks Joonie."


"Jerk," Jin insulted, but it came out sounding happy and playful.


Jungkook wiped the blood off his mouth as he finished off his meal. Dropping the unconscious body he looked around him cautiously to make sure no one saw what he had just done. When he couldn't find anyone he used his enhanced speed to disappear from the scene. If anyone had been nearby they would have seen nothing but a white streak.

The wind played with his hair as he ran through the town. Lights shined in JK's eyes, but he didn't mind, he had grown used to the lights years ago. He dodged all the people walking on the sidewalk as he made his way back to Tae's house, but something silver caught his eye. Stopping in his tracks JK looked in the direction he had seen the silver. Time seemed to stand still as Jungkook's world came crashing down.

Two people who looked to be in their late teens stood leaning against the edge of the deserted ally across the street. One was a tall female with glowing ruby eyes that shined with malice. Her face was as pale as the moon and she wore a long flowing red dress that matched her eyes perfectly. Her hair went down past her waist and was beautiful silver. Next to her stood a man who looked around the same age. The man had the same deathly pale skin as the woman. His hair was pitch black and tied in a low ponytail that stopped an inch above his shoulders. He was wearing black baggy jeans with a muscle-T that hugged his lithe yet muscular form. His eyes were steely gray and gave off a mischievous look.

JK took a step back in terror. It couldn't be! It just couldn't! But as the couple caught his gaze and gave him matching wicked smirks he knew that all hope of them not being who he thought they were was impossible. Willing for his feet to move he ran off in the direction of Seok Jin's house . He had to warn his Hyung.

Laughter echoed behind Jungkook as he ran. He knew they found his fear entertaining, but wouldn't you be scared too in his place? After all they could ruin everything.


"Nam Joon, what's wrong?" Jin asked, sitting up in his bed.

The vampire shook his head and pushed Jin back down onto the bed. "Nothing. Now sleep."

"But Joonie," Jin pleaded, giving RM a pout.

"No buts," RM responded. He knew something was going to happen. Something horrible, but he didn't want to worry Jin with it. "Go to sleep."

Sighing in defeat Seok Jin pulled his blankets closer to his body and snuggled into his mattress. He wished RM would tell him what was wrong, but he knew he wouldn't. Over the years he had learned RM tended to keep to himself. If only he could find a way to open up the vampire's heart more. Jungkook had told him countless times that he had already done that years ago, and he knew it was true from the stories the two vampires had told him about themselves, but he wasn't satisfied. He knew he could do better and open RM's heart completely, but it wasn't easy.

A weight settled on the bed next to Jin. Squinting his eye open the bluenette searched for the object that was responsible for the new weight. His eyes widen in both shock and happiness when he saw Nam Joon sitting beside him. "Scoot over," The vampire commanded. Wordlessly Jin obeyed and moved over to the other side of his bed.

Once he had enough space RM laid down on Jin's bed and wrapped his around the bluenette, pulling Jin closer to his side. The bluenette gasped in shock, but laid his head on RM's chest and smiled.

"Happy?" Nam Joon asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Jin laughed quietly while burying his head into the Silver haired vampire's chest. "Yes. Very."

Hours passed and Jin finally fell asleep, but Joon didn't move. He secretly enjoyed holding the thirteen-year-old. Everything was so calm and quiet and it made the moment more precious.

"H-Hy-Hyung," A breathless voice said.

Tensing RM berated himself. He had been so busy watching over Jin that he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings. He was only lucky that the owner of the new voice wasn't an enemy. "What is it Kookie?"

JK's face shone with fear, confusion, and disbelief in the darkness. "S-sorry," the raven haired vampire said. "I didn't mean to disturb you and Seok Jin, Nam Joon Hyung, but this is an emergency."

"What is it?" RM asked growing irritated and worried. What could have possibly made JK act this way? It was like the other vampire was waiting for the shadows to come alive and attack.

"They're here Hyung. Our Sires are here, and they know we are too."

When You Asked For My Love (NamJin / Taekook) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now