One for another

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"Your mommy and daddy are separating?" A seven-year-old Jin asked his blonde friend.

Tae solemnly nodded his head. "Yeah," he said weakly. Deep down he always knew it was going to happen but he had always hoped that things would get better.

"I'm sorry, I know it's not my fault, but still…" Jin tried to comfort his friend.

Tae nodded his head in understanding as he looked up at the gray sky. Jin and him were taking a walk around the park. It had taken them forever to convince their parents to let them go alone, but the two kids had managed to compromise with the adults. They were allowed to walk around the park for twenty minutes and then Jin's brother would come to pick them up, much to Ho Seok's annoyance since he had other plans.

"Does Jungkook know?"

Tae nodded his head. "He's the one that told me. My parents still haven't told me."

"What are you going to do when they finally do?" the bluenette asked curiously.

"I don't know. I love my mommy and daddy and I want them together but," Tae paused. Should he really tell Jin about his parents arguing? He had told Jin about some of their fights, but had never gone into detail out of fear that Jin might tell someone else. Deciding it would be best for now that Jin didn't know the reasons for his parents getting a divorce he continued, "but if my parents can't be happy with each other then I won't complain."

Jin stared at his friend incredulously. "Wow Taetae! You sound like a grown up!"

Jin smiled at the comment. "Kookie said I would do that sometimes because this a hard time for me and it will force me to grow up faster."

Pouting Jin crossed his arms over his chest. "That's unfair! I want to be older too! I want to drive a car and get money and not have to tell people when I'm going outside! Please Taetae! Help me get older!"

"Um… Kookie said my growing was mental."

"Mental?" Jin repeated in a serious tone.




"What does mental mean?"

"I don't know," Tae answered truthfully.

"Mental means in your head, basically," a voice called from high up in one of the many trees.

"Joonie!" Jin cheered at the voice and began jumping up and down on his feet.

Answering his name RM jumped down from his perch, revealing himself to the two children. Jin giggled in joy and ran up and hugged the vampire around the leg while Tae stared in wonder. JK had told him many times that RM watched over Jin from afar but he had never seen it until now. A strange feeling gathered in the pit of the blonde's stomach. He wanted Jungkook. Seeing Nam Joon and Seok Jin together made him want to have JK next to him.

Whispering softly to himself Tae tried to ignore the aching feeling in his chest. "Kookie."

"Someone say my name?"

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tae screamed in fear and spun around to see JK crouched behind him smiling deviously. Pouting Tae bopped the vampire on the head. "Don't do that. That's mean!"

"Sorry." JK's devious smile turned sheepish as he stood up.

"Joonie why are you glaring at Jungkook hyung?" Jin asked his vampire friend innocently, still clinging to RM's leg.

"No reason." RM answered in a bored tone, but his eyes were flaming with intense rage.

JK took a step back from the other vampire. "Uh… sorry Nam Joonie Hyungie…? Are you still mad about what happened two years when I first saw Taetae and Seok Jin?"

The two children watched the exchange between their protectors, both of them growing nervous. There had been many times this type of thing had occurred but it still put them on edge. Clearing his throat Jin tried to draw the vampires' attention away from each other and to him. "Um… Taetae and I want to play on the swings, but we can't swing by ourselves. Can you please push us?"

RM gave JK one more glare before picking Jin up and carrying him off in the direction of the swing set. Jungkook copied Nam Joon's example and carried Tae to the swings. Once there the two vampires let the children loose to choose their own swing. Like always Jin and Tae took two swings next to each other.

JK chuckled causing RM to give him a questioning look. Understanding the silent question Jungkook explained. "They clearly wanted us to stop fighting, but they don't seem to understand that in order to stop us from killing each other they should try to stay away from each other so that we won't be near each other."


"So do you forgive me yet?" JK asked as he made his way to Tae's swing.

"Maybe." Was RM's answer, which caused JK to smile. He knew Nam Joon already forgave him; it was just a matter of time before his hyung started acting like it.

As the two vampires stood behind the two children's swings giving them gentle pushes the air was filled with silence, except for the laughter coming from Jin and Tae.

"You know Jin," Jungkook began, "I haven't seen RM so relaxed for centuries."

"Centuries?" Jin asked.

"Hundreds and hundreds of years," JK explained. "How'd you do it Kim Seok Jin? How did you make someone like Nam Joon hyung become such a softy?"

"Shut up," RM hissed out between his teeth.

"Oo," Tae and Jin said in unison. "You said the 'S' word!"

RM growled but contained his anger. He was too dignified to attack children.

JK snickered. "Bad Vampire! You should know better than to say the 'S' word."

"Jungkookie, when the kids are asleep I will pay you back for that remark."

JK gulped. Maybe RM hadn't forgiven him after all.

When You Asked For My Love (NamJin / Taekook) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now