9 - Real Life/Call

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Sebastian has been stressed out for the past couple of weeks and he's been trying to perfect a certain stunt. He hasn't really had a day off at all since he started filming CA:CW a few months ago. He's been super mopey on set too. EVERYBODY has noticed.

Call Sebastian
He's super sad
He only smiles briefly when
getting a text from you

What can I say?
He's obsessed with Otis

Omg just call the poor man
Btw he's getting a week off soon

Just for you boobs

Sebastian laid down on the couch in his trailer when his phone starts buzzing with We Are The Champions by Queen. He scrambles grabbing his phone.

[Accept | Decline]


"Hey, Buddy! So I've heard that you've been miserable and sad and other sad words to describe your mood."

Sebastian just laughed loving Hunter's voice.

"I'm not gonna lie... but it's not true."

"You lying son of a bitch— don't eat the yellow snow, child!"

Hunter quickly put her phone on speaker and grabbed the crawling baby. She sat back down on her deck and put Logan in her lap. He's giggling and she grabbed her phone again.

"Oh my god. Logan had to start crawling."

Sebastian is just laughing hysterically on the floor.

"So... I've heard that you have a week off coming up..."

"Did Lizzie tell you that?"

"Yes. Of course she did. Now."


"You wanna come to my cabin on a mountain... in the woods... in Colorado? —that's not creepy at all."

"You sure cause I wouldn't wanna bother you."

"Dude, I've been trapped in my cabin on a mountain in the woods in Colorado for like ever! I've barely interacted with anyone but the chick at the store. Plus I'll put ya to work like can ya cook?"

"No, I cannot."

"Ok, we gotta fix that. Can you snowboard?"


"Oh my god. I have no words. None at all."

Hunter throws a snowball to Otis and he hops up taking a bite of it.

"Is that bad?"

"I just can't wait to see you fall on your ass, Sebastian. It will make my whole year."

"What about Logan?"

"Oh that's right. I do have a child. —anyways, come to my cabin for your break and we can chill out and snowboard and cook."

"Is anyone else gonna be there?"

"Maybe Lizzie but it should be just the four of us unless the whole freakin' marvel cast decides to show up which I don't think I can handle all those hoes."

"Don't worry. I won't tell them."


"I'll see you soon."

"Can't wait."

"Bye Hunter."

"Bye Sebastian."

Sebastian ended the call.

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