Part 4

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Hiii my dear readers!

As per usual, sorry for the wait! I hope you guys are still interested in this story!

As always, thank you so so much for the lovely comments and votes! :)

This part is quite long, I hope you will enjoy!

Please let me know what you thought about it! I would love to know!

Song: Drops of Jupiter by Train.

Here you go:


Neil's POV:

It turned out that she was a trained physiotherapist, working at the hospital. Somehow, I had already figured out that she must be working in the health department. She also lives in the same area as me, but one stop before mine. I told her, too about my profession and she bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. I looked at her then, acting offended.

"I thought you were a loner doing a 9 to 5 job at the office" she explained to me, and again that exciting feeling was apparent in my stomach. "Well, I do work at the office sometimes, but I also talk to people, face to face." I defended myself.


DD, my best friend, with whom I used to share an apartment with, was already teasing me a lot for bringing Avni up in conversation way too often. "Ask her if she's going to have a drink with you!" DD said. But I waved off. Somehow, I did not want to destroy the special situation that I and Avni shared on our daily commute with the bus. I loved listening to her talk about what she had learned during the day. Her eyes were always sparkling. It was also special that we never talked about very personal things, because I even now, I did not know her last name.


But then, Friday came. "You're from the Pune, aren't you?" she suddenly asked me. "Yes, why do you ask?", I replied a bit perplexed. "Cool, I'm from Lonavala, that's on the same track, right?" She asked.

"Exactly.", I confirmed with a nod. "I'm going home for the weekend, that's why it came to my mind", she told me. "Really? I also have to stop by at home", I said irrelevantly. She smiled slightly and bit her lip. Again, I could not take my eyes off of her. She had her hair pinned up to reveal her small ears. Again and again I caught myself thinking about how cute she looked. Or, the fact that if she continued to chew on her lips, I could no longer be able to control myself. "Which train are you taking?" I asked her then, not really thinking about the consequences this question could bring. "Um, I thought tomorrow night", she replied, now biting the inside of her cheek.

In the end, we made a plan to take the last train to Lonavala (and for him Pune) the next evening.


"Well, if you do not get Avni's number by next week, I'll ask her myself. It's just unbearable, your crush.", DD said grinning mischievously. "Shut up, DD", I muttered to myself. "Neil, I'm just trying to help you out. You deserve to be happy, but if you need someone to kick your sorry ass, I am more than happy to help.", DD continued as I trotted all over the flat and grabbed the bag. "I'll kick your ass soon if you do not help me grab the bag!" I shouted and threw the T-shirt I was holding in my hand on his face. DD caught the shirt and came up to me.

"I am serious. From what you've said, she seems to be really nice. It's not like every woman has to be like Kira", DD replied, folding the T-shirt and putting it in the suitcase. I stared at him annoyingly. "C'mon think about it. How long has it been since you have broken up with her? A year? I think that's enough now. ", DD stated. "DD, I really do not want to talk about it now, okay?" I asked now, looking at him pleadingly. "Well, I'll stop if you promise to ask for her number." DD demanded, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I rolled my eyes slightly and sighed, "Okay, but I'm not sure she'll give it to me."

Stations to fall in love - Avneil FFWhere stories live. Discover now