Chapter 2: Dewey

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"A dirty no good, down to the bone, your worst nightmare can take me home"





"Hey that child stole my magic scepter!"

He chuckled "Magic doesn't work here anyway pea brain!" Dewey Duck, the apprentice of Flintheart Glomgold. Not by choice but it's a situation he's constantly finding himself in.

"Crazy old dude, And you might want to refrain from calling me child. Things could get messy"He warned.

Some people have no respect these days.

The isle isn't as bad as people might think. If you asked Dewey he'd say "it's the perfect place for someone like him to live, He gets away with anything and everything"


He always wondered about his family, his real family.  Glomgold claimed that they died, not long after he was born but not much else.

It didn't stop him from looking though, he still wondered: Who were they? Were they villains sent to the Isle as well? If so how did they end up here? They were probably the greatest villains of all! He asked before but Glomgold doesn't give any clear answer.

He says that He needed to 'Grow up' and stop asking about them or he'll feed him to his time ticking bomb sharks, which seemed fair. But that was a risk he was willing to take.

Dewey crawled through the window of his room (If you dare to call it that) and looked into the very cracked mirror, it may be broken but He could kinda see the black hair and the bruise on his face- that Glomgold had caused.

"Good enough I guess", he shrugged. What you can't see won't bother you, now it's time for his favorite part of the day: taking the absolute favorite stuff He collected and hide it from glomgold, heck he won't bother looking, he's too caught up in trying to figure out a plan to get out of here so he can kill Scrooge.

Whoever that is.

Alright I got the scepter like you asked for now what do you need with it?"He asked.

He found Glomgold writing down his newest scheme, Dewey simply rolled his eyes in response. He vowed that this would be the last time he helped Glomgold with one of his stupidity schemes.

"Aha!"He shouted taking the scepter from Dewey "At last I can start my new plan to destroy that barrier and rule Auraduck!"

"I didn't know you wanted to rule Auraduck"He said "And what good is that wand to you?"

"Let me explain the plan again because clearly you didn't understand it the first time..."

"Wait!"He yelled, Glomgold surprisingly stopped talking.

"Am I actually part of the plan?"

"Of course of course, you got the scepter didn't you?"

"That's it? So I'm done?"

"Not until we see if it works! Have I taught you nothing?"

"Remind me why I keep listening to you?"

Glomgold ignored the teen and continued working on the plan.

"Knock knock"

"Make yourself useful and get the door!"Glomgold said.

Dewey grunted as he opened the front door that He actually didn't know they had, He open it and by surprise it's a fairly well dressed man...weird.

He handed him a letter which Glomgold took immediately. He read it to himself and asked "Dewferd? Going to auraduck? this a joke?"

"No sir, Prince Huebert has made a proclamation that this must and will be done sir".

Glomgold laughed quietly for like the first time...ever and answered "Oh yes he'll be there".

"What?"Dewey asked.

Glomgold slammed the door and laughed louder. Dewey took the note and read it, "There's no way I'm going to this school"

"You are going, you owe me!"

"For what?"

"For your whole life basically."

"I already told you! You don't control me anymore! I'm not following any more of your stupid schemes!"Dewey started to walk away but If there's one thing Glomgold knows how to do-

"You do want to know about your parents don't you?"He asked.

It's manipulate. 

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