Chapter 4: Louie

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'They think I'm callous, a real life hood. I feel so useless, misunderstood.'







The isle isn't nearly as bad as people think.

They're not be very friendly but they sure know how to party.

Louie and is a proud member of the Beagle boys clan.

You're probably wondering which part of the beagle boys he is? The sixth avenue meanies? The ugly failures? Actually He's part of his own pact called 'The runts'.

The team is made up of Frankie, Waldo and Louie.

They're the brothers Louie is closest to, they don't really do much except play around but today that was all going to change.

"Whoo! The undefeated three time winner of the game kick the spray can wins again!"Waldo shouted.

"Total scam"Louie said, "We let you win- besides you're the one who made up this stupid game."

"You're a sore looser"He said.

"And you're a sore winner"Says Frankie.

"Like you're one to talk"He says.

"You know what-"

Louie basically tuned them out after that, they just argued for a few minutes.


The stopped to look at him, "What?"

"Why dont we just play a different game?"He asked.

They nodded, "Ok fine, but I get to choose it"Frankie said.


Just then a duck with pink hair passed by, "Losers".

"Lena de spell"Louie taunted, "If you're going to talk about us, just say it outright".

"Fine, you're all losers"She said.

"Awe but tell us how you really feel".

"I just did."

"No need to be coy Lena"Frankie taunted.

"None of you will amount to anything"She says.

"And you're just like your mother"Louie replied.


"She's not my mother, she's my aunt."

"Could've fooled me."

"Whatever fed-ex, I'm out of here."

"Llywellyn get over here!" Ma beagle yelled.

All the brothers start talking, asking Louie

what I did, taunting "You're gonna get it".

He sighed and walked inside "Look ma whatever it is, I didn't do it. It was

probably big time, he lies a lot".

"You haven't done anything, for goodness sakes close the door!"She yelled.

He does so and take a seat, He listened quietly to anything important she had to say (as little as it may be)

"Ever since you were born I knew you were destined for greatness"She said, "Now's your chance to show everyone I'm not completely crazy"She says.

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