Chapter 10

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Hey lovelies! This chapter is quite sad, I enjoyed writing it tough! It'll be loads more love-scenes in the next chapter, promise! Check out the pic one the right? Soo cute! ♥ Ziall! ♥

Don't you dare start reading without the music on! IT'S TO THE RIGHT BEAUTIFULLS! ♥


We got a call about Louis being in hospital for about 2 hours ago and just as we got the news we hurried here as soon as possible. Zayn was the one that had called us and his voice was so full of sadness it was hard to listen without tearing up.

I was worried as hell when I heard Lou was in hospital, and when they told us the reason he was there had been cutting, I literally heard my heart shatter into tiny, tiny pieces. I had been missing him so much, he had been gone for 3 days now and honestly, I thought it was hell without him, without his warm smile and sexy hair. Mmm, just the thought of Louis made my stomach flip.

Now what made my eyes darken with angriness and my body to tense up completely was the thought of that Louis had been missing. Louis had been missing and so had Zayn. We had returned from our little visit on one of the smaller Turkish markets three days ago and they were gone. Just like that, they had brought some clothes and toilet articles with them and that was that. Now, call me a girl how much you like but I was crying so badly the first night. The thoughts of Louis cheating on me for Zayn were swirling roughly trough my head. I couldn't lose Louis, I just couldn't. He meant so much to me and the thought of that he could be interested in Zayn made me feel sick.

Of course, there wasn't anything wrong with Zayn, but just the fact that he could be taking my Boobear away from me made me insane. And that's not the most pleasant feeling in the world, I tell you! Niall and Liam both were sad and worried for the two lads, but I believe I was the one taking it the hardest. As I said earlier the night Louis was gone (And Zayn, woups! Forgot him..)  

I spent the whole night and the next 3 days locked in my room, crying. I was devastated. At first I was most afraid if that something could've happened to Louis, he could've gotten kidnapped etc. But after the hotel staff had assured us that both of the boys had left the hotel together my suspicions grew. I got all kind of different and horrible ideas of what was going on, what if Louis was cheating on me? Honestly, if he would have been with really any girl or boy it wouldn't have hurt as much.  

But now we are talking about Zayn. I know Zayn has some issues with confidence and Louis is... Well, Louis. He's not exactly shy about telling people about how he feels for them or complimenting them. And it was as if Zayn grew every time somebody told him something nice about himself.  

AND Zayn's one of my best friends, who does that? Honestly, me and Lou just got together... Is that how little I mean to him?  

I thought sadly as I waited at the hospital, waiting for Louis.

My Louis, and my Louis only.


"Louis! Your alive thank god!"

Zayn said, gently rubbing my left cheek with his thumb and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. 

I smiled towards him as much as I could, although it was hard since my whole body felt heavy and my heed was dunking roughly. But other than that, I was fine.

"Yes, I'm alive!" I chuckled giving him a hug as I smelt his fresh citrusy scent.

"That's great Lou! And the boys are here and..."

I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. I quickly started getting worried and nervous and I felt guilty when he told me the lads were here too. That meant they knew about the.. Oh no!  

"The lads are here?! They can't be though, do they know... About the cutting? Oh shit, I... And Harry, is he okay? The note said, the note said something about..."

"Louis" This time it was Zayn's turn to interrupt. He sighed quietly before continuing.

"Louis... Harry's got anorexia."

 Harry, anorexia?  

No, that could just not be possible. Harry was naturally slim, yes but he wasn't exactly starving himself and he... Suddenly a memory popped up in my head, a memory I hadn't thought about for months. But as I did it all seemed so clear, as if all of the puzzle pieces went together just perfectly.

All of the boys and I were off for the weekend and me and Hazza had chosen to go visit the carnival. This was by the time we were just great friends, although I suspect I liked him more than as a friend even then.

After hours of fun we sat down on a bench to take a small pause. I remember buying us both the biggest ice cream cones I ever seen, believe me, these were huge!  

And I remember Harry's terrified face when I came closer towards him, handing him one of the big ice cream cones.  

At first he was just kindly telling me that 'Hey Boobear, I'm not that keen in having an ice cream, mind having mine?' Of course I was my stupid self and forced him into eating it.

And the face he made while forcing himself to swallow the ice cream. How could I've not have noticed? That's not even the worst thing, and the ending almost makes my eyes tear up.

After having about 2-3 tiny bites of the ice cream he quickly ran towards the toilets. I remember following after him. And this is the scene that breaks my heart.  

Harry was sitting with his knees on the bathroom floor, throwing up in the toilet. Now, what made me scared as hell were the tears welling up from Harry's beautiful green eyes. He was shaking and crying and looked so little. I remember I just ran out as quick a I could, and then I forgot about what happened a couple of days afterwards. How the hell did I not notice?

Harry has always been the one of us lads to have the lowest self esteem.  

Don't believe me? Okay, yes. Harry is constantly talking about how he loves beeing naked etc in interviews but the truth is, he's very insecure in his body.  

Now that I think about it, he's been visiting the gym a little to often and the small amount of food he has a day, if even any food at all, isn't exactly what anyone would call a healthy diet.

I started crying roughly and the only think I could think about was how an awful friend I'd been.

"Louie, love. It's okay, he'll be alright, okay? It's not your fault." Zayn said kindly, giving me a soft hug. I had almost forgotten he was here but I really appreciated how caring he was.

"Z-aay-n." I stuttered, taking a deep breath.

"I-s H-aa-zza okay though? Is he at the hotel? Can we go visit him? I aa-m fine, promise! Pleaaasee!"

"Lou, Hazza's here. At the hospital. The doctor said he hadn't been eating anything besides some fruits and light coke for a week and his body was so, so weak. He's been exercising loads on the hotel. And he... he... He lost 12 pounds in a week."

Zayn finished, sighing. And I could see his eyes tear up.

So Haz had an eating disorder, my best friend had a frickin eating disorder.  

Wait a minute, was he just my best friend now? A week ago we had been together, and when I disappeared his anorexia had gotten worse. Maybe my disappearance somehow triggered his anorexia? Could that even be possible?

This was hard as hell, I had two boys I loved deeply, one who cut himself and the other with an eating disorder. And that mysterious note.  

I was more confused than ever.

Sad eh? If you want me to continue I need comments and feedback!

3 comments atleast! ♥ Love you loads! ♥ xoxo Bex

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