The Routine

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A/N: I didn't properly edit this because I'm already finishing it later than I wanted to so sorry if there's any errors.

Everyone sat at the dinner table, MIkasa’s parents and Jeans mother were chatting about something that Mikasa wasn’t paying any attention to. She kept zoning out, too worried about how things went down with Annie earlier she couldn’t keep herself focused.

“.....kasa, Mikasa!” Mrs. Ackerman spoke louder to her daughter.

“Huh? Oh I’m sorry Mother, what did you say?” Mikasa brought her attention back to the table.

“We were just talking about Jean’s upcoming football game this friday, you’re going to go cheer him on aren’t you?”

Mikasa plastered a fake smile on her face “Of course I am, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

Everyone smiled and Jean gave Mikasa a loving look to which she returned back at him. To be completely honest Mikasa would rather be doing anything else than going to a football game, she’s not a big fan of sports. She liked Jean and everything but she could think of a better way to spend her time, like going on a date with Annie….

Mikasa met Jean at a small get together about a year ago that was hosted by her aunt Carla and uncle Grisha. Her cousin Eren attends the same school as Jean does but they aren’t exactly friends, but their parents seemed to get along. Eren was forced to introduce her because it’s “polite” and the two got along pretty well, and of course Mikasa’s parents were thrilled to see this and urged the two to go out on a date. Mikasa was already dating Annie at the time but it’s not like she could tell them that so she agreed. After three dates Jean asked her to be his girlfriend and she stupidly said yes, mostly because her mother was pushing her to do so, and Annie was not happy about that but let it slide since Mikasa told her there was nothing she could do about it.

It’s not like Mikasa hates Jean, she thinks he’s really sweet and cares for him as she would for any of her friends but she doesn’t have any romantic feelings for him like he does for her, and it made her feel really guilty. The most they’ve ever done is kiss and hold hands and Mikasa is grateful for that, she doesn’t think she’ll be able to go any further with the boy without Annie putting his head on a stick afterwards.

Dinner had ended and Mrs. Kirstein was helping Mikasa’s mother with the dishes while her father put the leftovers away. Jean and Mikasa were in her bedroom, Mikasa was sitting on her bed while Jean sat in the spinning chair by her desk. The atmosphere felt awkward and the dark-haired girl was uncomfortable, not quite sure how to break the silence. Then Jean took a deep breath and looked to her.
“So… since you’re coming to my game this friday I was wondering if you would maybe wear my spare jersey?” He spoke out very quickly then continued “I-it’s just that usually the players girlfriends would wear their jerseys for support when they attend the games…” he finished while his face turned crimson red.

Mikasa looked at him for a moment then gave a small smile. “Of course I’ll wear it Jean, if it’ll make you happy.”

Jean had a huge smile on his face and grabbed his bag that he brought pulling out the white jersey with his last name and the number seven on the back handing it over to the girl. Mikasa took the jersey and smiled at the boy, she was about to say thank you but was interrupted by Jeans lips on hers. She tried very hard not to cringe and kissed him back, it was a sweet simple kiss and Mikasa could feel the love behind it, unfortunately she couldn’t return it but she tried her hardest to make it seem like she did. After they pulled apart Jean’s mother called for him saying it was time to go, he said goodbye to Mikasa and left her room, closing the door behind him.

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