Run Away

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A/N: I'm sorry this took so long, I haven't been in the mood to write lately but I really wanted to get this out. I've been trying to improve on writing more detail so please let me know what you think.

It's been three weeks since Mikasa was "cleansed" and she was still locked in her room. Her wounds were healing pretty well since Annie has been putting the ointment on them, Mikasa was able to move around again without tearing the skin. Annie had been stopping by everyday to check in on Mikasa, sometimes she was alone and other times she would bring a friend like Armin or Reiner.

Mikasa placed a hand to her stomach, it had been feeling weird for the past few hours. She hadn't eaten anything, in fact the only thing she had was a drink her father had given her earlier. Her stomach made a strange noise and then the odd feeling had ceased, weird.

Today was Saturday and Mikasa sat alone in her room waiting for Annie, she felt uneasy because of her current situation with her parents but mainly because of what is going on with her girlfriend. Remembering three weeks ago when she saw Annie crying, she had asked her why but the only response she got was "It doesn't matter, just try to go to sleep." Mikasa added that to the list of Annie's strange behaviour lately, it's possibly because of her situation or because of some personal problem that she doesn't want Mikasa to be involved with. She also asked Annie if she could try and find out who posted that picture of them but she only shrugged and said, "I doubt it will make a difference."

Any time Mikasa tries to bring up the issue regarding the picture Annie immediately shuts it down. Is she doing that for the sake of Mikasa not feeling hurt or is there something else behind it? For what reason would Annie have to not even want to try and find out who took that picture, granted her life hasn't really changed compared to how Mikasa's has turned upside down but she cares for her right? If so then shouldn't she be doing something to give her girlfriend some closure?

If Annie isn't going to find out then Mikasa will do it herself. She doesn't always have to rely on Annie or anyone else, she can do it somehow. Although she's not the picture perfect child most people thought she was, Mikasa still had other flaws. She seems mature for her age but she really isn't, Mikasa is always relying on someone to be there and help her when things get hard, she can't think for herself; for the longest time Sasha was the one leading Mikasa through life, then when she transferred schools Armin took on that role then was replaced by Annie. Mikasa couldn't think for herself when things got hard and that made her weak.

'Things need to change.' She thought to herself, in fact she was so lost in thought she didn't even notice the small blonde climb through the window, but it wasn't the blonde she was expecting.

"Historia? Where's Annie?" Mikasa looked out the window and didn't see her girlfriend anywhere.

"She texted me saying that she's running late and to just come without her" Historia sat on Mikasa's bed.

"Okay.." Mikasa pressed a hand to her stomach again, the sounds returned and she felt a little queasy.

"Are you feeling alright?" Historia knelt down beside her and placed her hand on Mikasa's forehead.

She looked to her friend and tried to smile. "I think so, my stomach just doesn't feel well"

"Have you been eating? Do your parents feed you?" The blonde girl cupped Mikasa's face in her hands. "You look a lot thinner"

Mikasa placed her hands on top of Historias'. "Hardly, my father gave me this weird drink earlier maybe that's what it is," she tried not to make eye contact while Historia was gazing at her.

"I wish there was a way I could protect you.." She started to caress the girls cheeks with her thumbs, it was starting to become uncomfortable.

'You don't need to protect me, I should be able to take care of myself' Guilt started to rise in her, along with an unsettling feeling about her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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