Don't Leave

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It was five in the afternoon on a Friday, and Mikasa was getting ready to head out. She pulled Jean’s jersey over her head and slipped on her converse, she had a long sleeve shirt on underneath just in case it got cold during the night.

“I’m heading out!” Mikasa called to her parents as she opened the door.

“Be careful, call if you need a ride back.” Mrs. Ackerman replied from the kitchen.

Mikasa shut the door and began walking to the football field. It was still early and the game didn’t start until seven but she was going to meet up with Eren and a few of his friends for the tailgate. Her phone rang in her pocket and she pulled it out, the caller ID saying “Annie”. She smiled and answered the phone.

“Hey babe, I didn’t think you would be calling.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to meet up with me and Reiner at the warehouse for a while?” her girlfriend spoke with a hint of hope in her voice.

Mikasa sighed “I totally forgot to tell you, I have to go to Jean’s football game tonight”

“You don’t have to do anything, you chose to say yes…”

Both girls stayed silent for a moment, Mikasa wasn’t sure what to say.

Then finally Annie spoke. “Is Eren going to be there?”

“Y-yea he’s keeping me company”

“Cool, you guys have fun I’ll talk to you later…”

With that Annie hung up.

Mikasa sighed again, ‘this is getting worse’ she thought to herself.

What was she supposed to say? No? That would raise too many questions, then she would have to lie her way out of that and there’s already too much lying going on to begin with. But while she’s keeping Jean and her parents happy, Annie is hurting…. Mikasa doesn’t even know what to do anymore. She should have never went on that first date with Jean, things would probably be different but not a whole lot, Annie probably wouldn’t be as upset as she is now though.

Mikasa sighed for probably the hundredth time today. ‘It’s gonna be a long night

~~~~~~~~~~~(At the Game)~~~~~~~~~~

Eren waved when he saw Mikasa approaching, she smiled and greeted him and his two friends Thomas and Connie. Mikasa wasn’t close with Eren’s friends but they knew each other well enough to the point where it wasn’t awkward when they were together.

“Only a long sleeved shirt?” Eren looked Mikasa over “You’re gonna catch a cold like that, I have a spare hoodie in my car wait right here I’ll go get it!”

Eren turned and started running towards the parking lot.

Connie shook his head “He’s such a mom, why do we hang out with him again?”

“He even looks like his mom but with short hair, makes it even more creepy…” Thomas added

Mikasa let out a small laugh and rubbed her hands across her arms, It was colder than she thought it would be so she’s grateful he had the spare. Eren had always been like a brother to her, always looking out for her and being there when she needed a shoulder to cry on. But he was a little too overprotective, especially when it came to her and Jean dating, he was against it from the beginning but has warmed up a little to Jean since then. Mikasa loves Eren and she can trust him with almost anything.

Eren returned with the hoodie and put it on Mikasa, making sure to zip it up as well. Mikasa had to pry his hands away as he was trying to straighten it out a little while Connie and Thomas tried not to laugh.

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