Buried deep - Virgil x Logan

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Trigger warning: buried alive

Woah I'm actually trying to do more analogical?! One of the main ships I least write about?! Hell yeet


Virgil knew he shouldn't have listened to his friends, he knew he should have gone to the police, he knew he shouldn't have left it, brushing it off as him being paranoid, that no one was following him and it was just a coincidence he saw the same man every few times a week as he walked around town.

This was the consequences of his actions, laying down in a coffin, staring up at the wood only a few inches from his face, buried deep under ground with no escape. This is what happens when he doesn't listen to his gut.

And he had no idea what to do. It seemed pointless to start banging on the wood to try and catch the attention of the people above as he was sure whenever he was buried was far away from people, and even then would they be able to hear him? He decided against screaming, too, for no one would be around and he would just waste his breath.

He thought he was going to die, that this was it, he would never be able to admit to Logan his feelings, never get to hug his friend Patton again, and never get to call his best friend Roman an idiot, the last made him shudder - who was going to keep Roman's ego from exploding?

Just when he thought this was it, it was the end, he suddenly remembered something, something that made his eyes widen and lips stretch into a grin.

A Tumblr post.

Not just any Tumblr post; one that told him exactly how to get out of a grave if buried alive. And his friends told him Tumblr was useless - ha!

He closed his eyes for a moment, clenched his hands then began to breathe in deeply, just like the post told him to do - he could see it right there in his mind, breathe in deeply, exhale slowly, and don't swallow - the last thing he should do right now was waste oxygen, as coffins usually didn't have much, and he didn't know how long he had been asleep in this coffin before he woke up.

He then lifted his hands and pushed against the lid of the coffin, shaking it until it unlatched and opened a tad, allowing some loose dirt to fall into the coffin. Virgil let it close again and while continuing his breathing he took off his jacket (which was extremely difficult) then his shirt, which was even more so. Putting back on his jacket, he used his shirt and tied the end, then stuck his head through the head-hole, wearing it upside down, preventing the dirt about to fall onto his face from suffocating him.

He took in another deep breath, exhaled slowly, then with all his strength began to kick the end of the coffin, the wood was low quality and easily broke as he kicked and kicked, the space around his feet and legs filling up with dirt. It began reaching his waist and towards his shoulders as he broke away at the lid, doing everything he could to sit up, desperately trying to keep his breathing steady, but the panic swirling around him like a tornado really wasn't doing him any favours.

Finally, he managed to lift the rest of the lid and push it to the side as dirt surrounded him, heavy but loose, due to the fact it was just dug up for this coffin to be buried in the first place. He began to climb upwards through the mud, kicking his legs and standing on the ground falling below him, grabbing and yanking himself up with anything he could.

When his arm shot up and his fingers felt the light sprinkle of rain, he felt relief flood his system, both hands gripping the ground surrounding the hole, pulling himself up and out, laying on the stable grass, panting heavily while taking off his shirt, leaving it beside him as he breathed in and out deeply.

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