Flowers 2 - Remus x Deceit

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Ngl guys I literally forgot about the original 'Flowers' OneShot lmao so here's the part two I was meant to make sooner Jesus Christ-


Deceit was awake. He had been for awhile. Staring at his ceiling while gently tapping the only hand that didn't have a glove. The one that felt smooth, his healed skin leaving not a single scar. Much different to if he was a living human being.

He had laid there for awhile, knowing that the other five sides were all in the real world talking to Thomas who summoned them after that sudden emotional moment he sure went through due to Patton feeling what Deceit felt. He cursed himself for allowing his feelings to show, he hurt Patton, it'll make them all less likely to even want to be in his presence anymore.

Feeling bare he turned his head to see if he could see his glove but something else caught his eye. Something bright red on his desk. Moving fast he was out of bed and in front of the vase of flowers, looking at the new flower, the only one that was alive. And he suddenly wanted to know what they meant.

Sitting down he opened his laptop and typed out the first flower he had received.

A tulip: Tulips represent the first declaration of love in Victorian flower language. If you are saying "I love you" for the first time, they make an especially meaningful bouquet for the occasion. Since this moment is a significant event in your relationship, and will likely be looked back on in the future, the beloved tulip will sweeten the moment. With these flowers meaning I love you, you let them know how you feel and it give you both a wonderful memory in the future.

Deceit glanced over at the tulip, taking it out of the vase and laying it in his hand. Remus had given him this...does that mean that's what he feels like? No, no, it must be a coincidence. Laying the flower beside him he searched the next flower that he was given.

A purple rose: Has your loved one put you under a spell? Do you dream of them often, think about them constantly, or walk around in a dreamy haze? Gift them purple or light purple (lavender) roses to let them know that they have bewitched you, in a very good way. Signifying "enchantment," fresh purple roses heighten the romantic feelings between the two of you and show them just how much you think about them.

Deceit leaned away from his laptop, quickly grabbing the purple rose and looking at it closely. a coincidence too, how would Remus know the meanings to all of these flowers? He obviously wanted to prank/annoy Deceit in some way and what better way to do that then be to give him a bunch of dead flowers? He placed the purple rose beside the tulip and carried on, next his personal favourite flower.

An alstroemeria: Also known as Peruvian lilies, alstroemeria are both beautiful and versatile. They're also one of the best flowers to say I love you. In the Victorian era, they were the symbol of devotion. If you want to express your commitment to them as well as your love, a bouquet of alstroemeria is a beautiful way to say "I love you and I am devoted to you."

Deceit swallowed, taking the flower from the vase, again he couldn't imagine Remus knowing this, Deceit was sure if he did know he'd take back all the flowers at once! Right? Remus couldn' him, right? Deceit paled a little when he remembered something, something that happened awhile ago but definitely heard. Roman giving Remus a lesson about flowers. No it-it couldn't be...could it? Deceit quickly moved on after placing the flower down.

A baby's breath: In Victorian Times, baby's breath symbolized everlasting love. That's why these are known as flowers that mean I will love you forever. That's also why you always and forever see roses with baby's breath. What is a more beautiful way to "I love you forever" than with these delicate and lovely tiny blooms?

Deceit ran a hand through his hair, hat long gone but he couldn't care. Plucking the flower from the vase he leaned back and thought, if Remus really liked him why would he spend so much time with the 'light sides'? It seemed like he was trying to get away from Deceit more than anything...putting down the flower he moved onto the last one.

A red rose: In Victorian times, it is believed that the deeper the passion you feel for your loved one, the deeper the color the rose should be. This makes red roses the ultimate symbol of passionate, romantic love. This I love you flower melts hearts, grows affection and touches the very soul.

Deceit looked at the flower, the deepest red rose he had ever seen in his life, yet also the most beautiful...

He took it from the vase, softly trailing his thumb across the petal, losing the glove to feel the sensation properly, the rest of his arms gone again.

Did Remus mean for this to happen? If not, why would he chose this one specifically to be alive? The one that needed to be alive to show it's true meaning.

Anyone else, receiving dead flowers from them would give off the impression they meant the opposite of the original meaning but this is Remus he was talking about! The guy eats deodorant for fucks sake! He doesn't conform and does things his way, meaning if he likes dead flowers he was going to give dead flowers to the person he likes. Maybe even loves.

Deceit closed his eyes as a swarm of guilt flew through him but this time he didn't want to push it aside.

Standing up from his desk he left his room, only wearing one glove, his caplet barely hanging on. His hair was a mess-he was a mess and usually wouldn't be caught dead like this but the only thing on his mind was Remus. He needed to find him now.

Appearing in the 'light side' he continued down the hallway and descended the staircase, the sides were sitting on the couch, all silencing when they saw Deceit. Remus sat up, watching him carefully.

He felt vulnerable with all eyes on him but he pushed it away, taking a few steps closer to Remus who stood up, holding a hand in Roman's direction to tell him to stay down. He did but still sat up, tensed and ready to protect his brother again.

"Deceit, are you—"

"Did you mean that?" Deceit cut him off with urgency.

Remus rose an eyebrow, "mean what, snakey?"

"You know what"

And he did, he was avoiding it he knew that but it was-well-awkward! He was Remus-creativity, intrusive thoughts, yeah he could see the others having feelings but him? He was just a-a...a 'bad side'. His only setting was evil, was making Thomas' life worse, he couldn't have these feelings, not love, not passion not romance not this. And yet he replied anyway.

"Of course I did you dolphin-licker" he managed a smile and Deceit grinned right back, not leaving any time before delicately cupping Remus' face and bringing him into a kiss.

One filled with all the emotions they shouldn't feel but do anyway. Remus threaded his hands through Deceit's hair, grabbing gently at the back, pulling him closer as they kissed and kissed, barely giving themselves time to breathe.

"I love you too" Deceit's words were a relief for him, finally, finally he understood something he had hidden so well he hid it from himself. These emotions that kept coming back? They were love disguised as guilt and sorrow because Deceit couldn't admit to himself he fell for someone, much like Remus' thoughts he too believed he was nothing more than a 'bad side' who couldn't feel anything a 'light side' could. He didn't feel worthy. Didn't feel like he deserved it.

But now if anyone tried to take them from him they couldn't rip them from his cold, dead hands.

And they were smiling, grinning like maniacs as they stared into each other's eyes, finally taking a breather to take in everything. To stare at the side they were absolutely and impossibly in love with.

And in Deceit's room the dead flowers bloomed to live an eternal life.

Ehhhhhh I do love the idea of Deceit & Remus being together though


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