Kings of Extra-Ordinary

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Kings of extra-ordinary is about the GOM trying to find a forgotten kingdom called Seirin

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Kings of extra-ordinary is about the GOM trying to find a forgotten kingdom called Seirin.

~Here's the prologue~

"There was once a strong kingdom named Seirin. It was said to be the first Kingdom to ever exist on the map. The people were born with kindness and everything good in the universe in their hearts. The lord, Kuroko Akihiko, was said to be born with the same purity and also a powerful magic wielder.

He and a beautiful women gave birth to a son with blue hair and ocean blue eyes. The were told by many that they would live a happy life but fate said otherwise. A terrible curse was cast upon the kingdom and it was said that hell itself was born right there and then.

The royal family died of the curse except Akihiko's son who is said to be lost in a coma when the curse hit. He is hidden deep within the castle.

Most of the kingdom also died too and those who did survive swore to protect the prince in slumber. They were transformed into shadow knights.

The kingdom once shining and happy now a dark and dispiriting land is no longer the kingdom of purity and kindness but rather The Kingdom of Sins.

Five other rulers rose and there Kingdom stands mighty tall as the kingdom of sins crumble away and disappear off the map, completely.

One day the prince will awaken and take his father's throne, but as a monster."

A green-hair male finished.

"So you think that's what causing the earthquakes and dying forests?" A dark blue-hair man asked.

"Correct." The green-hair nodded as he re-adjust his glasses with his middle finger and his lenses flashed white for a second.

"That sounds so cool! Is it real?" A cheerful blonde asked.

The green-hair shrugged, "Hundreds of Generations have passed since the very first five lords, it's been so long so this could to be just a plain old myth."

"Eh... so you basically just wasted our time with some story?" A violet-hair male yawned and spoke with a lazy voice.

"Shut up, at least I did the research. You probably were trying to find something to eat then actually working." The green hair glared at the violet hair.

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