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Chapter 1: Hermione's Done What?
By. Patty H

August 13 2007

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Sirius, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died. I would add the Potter's but then we wouldn't have had Harry. We might have had Neville or another kid as the chosen one.


Hermione has done something terrible. But there's a twist was it really Hermione or just a cruel trick? Remus seems to sense something but what is it? And why has no one else noticed what's happening? Things are changing rapidly. New memories are forming and old ones are being erased from everyone's minds. What's going on and why now when there is a funeral to attend?

-Harry's POV-

I knew that something was odd about today. I had a feeling like there was danger nearby, that something bad had happened. But what I was unsure of. All I knew was that The Order and I needed to get to Hermione's house and fast. I alerted the order the minute this feeling hit me. After telling them that I had a feeling that Hermione was in danger I apparated to a safe area near her house.

Running up to the door I knew there was something wrong. There was a coroner's car, police cars and an ambulance at Hermione's house. I ran as fast as I could up to the door. 'What's going on? Where's Hermione?' All I could think about was that someone; either her or her parents were attacked by Death Eaters.

As soon as I got to the door I was shoved back by a cop. "Sorry son you can't enter here. Please step back," he said. What's happening? I started to shout for Hermione praying that she was okay. After the first shout I saw her mother come out. She stared straight at me. "Ar...are you a .. a friend o...of Her... Hermione's? Are you Ha...Harry?" She was crying, something is terribly wrong.

I quickly answered her yes and she cried a little harder. Then without realizing what was happening she had grabbed me in a fierce hug and cried as she told me that Hermione, was, dead. 'Dead? No not Hermione. She can't be dead. She's too strong, too smart. Hermione would never let herself be killed by anything. She wanted to be the best at Hogwarts. She wanted to prove to other's that muggle-borns are just as good as any pureblood is. She' can't be dead.'

"NO! She can't be dead! What happened Mrs. Granger? Did someone come to see her before me? Was anybody here you didn't recognize?" Why is this happening? The brightest witch of our age, snuffed out like a candle. This can't be true, it just can't be. Oh but it was, it was true, and no matter how much I tried to deny it I couldn't deny the truth now.

I looked up just in time to see the coroner wheeling out the gurney that held Hermione's lifeless body. Her hand fell off of the cot and I saw that she had blood dripping off a letter in her hand. A letter with my name. I ran up to the gurney and pleaded to them. "Please just let me see her one last time. She's my best-friend." The woman pushing the gurney sighed and said ok that I had only two minutes to see Hermione one last time. I bent down and uncovered her face. She was still as beautiful as before. But there was a ugly purple bruise around her throat and her wrists were sliced open.

I grabbed the letter from her hand and shoved it in my coat, then kissing her forehead I told her my last good-bye, my last I love you that she would ever hear. I turned then and walked back to Mrs. Granger seeing Dumboldore and other members of The Order standing with her. Professor McGonagall and Ron were both crying as were Ginny, Luna, and Mrs. Weasley. I walked up closer to Mrs. Granger and asked her once again, "Please Mrs. Granger. What happened to Hermione? I need to know why my best-friend is now dead."

Her words were the worse things I had ever heard. I had thought that hearing Hermione was dead was heart wrenching. This news was worse. "Hermione. Hermione, she... she k..killed her... herself Harry. She committed suicide. The...the note said th... that she couldn't let herself be a...a ...a ...danger to ...to us any...anymore." She barely finished talking before she collapsed in tears on the ground. I felt my world slip away as the reason why my best friend, my sister in a sense was dead finally processed. This can't be right can it?

-Hermione's POV-

I have to do this. It's the only way I can save them. I can save my friends, my family, and my fellow students at Hogwarts. But first I have to die. It's the only way. I sat down at my desk and began to write the longest letter I have ever written. I wrote my last goodbye to my parents, to my friends, and then to the only I have loved since I was in my third year at Hogwarts. After I had wrote to each person I sent an owl to deliver the letters after telling them not to deliver any messages until tomorrow night. But I kept Harry's and I kept my parent's letters. I knew that somehow they would be here to find me.

I sealed the letter I had wrote to Remus and asked the last owl that was waiting to deliver it to Remus at exactly 4 p.m. When I knew he could not stop me, and he could not save me. His was the hardest to write. There were tear stains on the parchment from where I couldn't stop crying. But I had to do this. I have to save everyone. I looked down at the letter one last time before I gave it to the beautiful white owl and remembered what I had wrote to him.

"Dear Remus,

I am so sorry for what I am about to do. But it must be done. Before I do so though. I want you to know something. I love you Remus. I have loved you ever since third year. But at the time I had simply thought it to be a simple crush. There was no way that I could be in love with my DADA teacher. It just wasn't possible. But it is. I hope that you can forgive for the things I am about to do. I will not see you again for a very long time Remus. But believe me when I say that things will be better. And that you and everyone around us will be able to be safe and happy once again. The worst things of the past will be gone soon. I promise you.

But by the time that you receive this letter Remus it will be too late. I will be gone. Please do not mourn my death because my death will mean that everyone will have a brighter and happier future. I love you and I will miss you terribly. But as I said before this MUST be done, to save us all.



I watched the owl fly away until I could no longer see it. Then I began what I had to do. It is nearly 3. My parents will be home at 3:30. I must hurry. I quickly cast the spell that would send me back. The one that would kill me in order to save everyone else. Then I continued on. I made a noose appear above my head then I sliced my wrists. The pain was nothing at all compared to the fact that I knew this would save everyone. As I started to feel drowsy I placed the noose around my neck and then I let myself fall. I could feel Harry as he apperated near by.

I saw my mother come into my room and heard her scream for my father to call for help as she tried to get me down. But it was too late. I had already bled out most of my blood and I had no oxygen left in my lungs. But I could still see and hear everything. I watched as the coroner walked in behind a few officers and EMT's. I could hear the Coroner pronounce me dead. "Time of death 4 o'clock p.m. I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Granger but we were too late to save her.

When they started to wheel me out on the gurney I heard Harry's frantic screams and then felt him kiss my forehead. I knew that he saw the letter I was clutching in my hand. The one I had addressed to him. He whispered goodbye and that he loved me, before kissing my forehead and then he was gone. But hearing Ginny's voice made me sad as she screamed. "Harry! Harry wake up!" Before I knew it though the present was gone and my life as Hermione Granger had ended.

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