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Chapter 9: What to do Next
"Hermione's done What?"

Ch. 9 What to do Next

By. Patty H

November 25 2007

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died.

A. N.: I highly apologize for the lateness of this chapter. I had completely forgotten about this story due to working, and having been in the hospital. But I'll try to at least post a chapter a week. Also as I said before I do not know the actual year for the Marauders just that it's in the 70's, so the years are going to be 1978 and 1998. Also thank you my newest reviewer and possible beta inmydreamworld because I probably would have forgotten about this story completely. Other then that enjoy.

Dream, Flashback/memory


Hermione has done something terrible. But there's a twist was it really Hermione or just a cruel trick? Remus seems to sense something but what is it? And why has no one else noticed what's happening? Things are changing rapidly. New memories are forming and old ones are being erased from everyone's minds. What's going on and why now when there is a funeral to attend?

-1978 Hermione's POV-

Well at least I now know how to find Neville's parents I think it's time to go and see what all I have changed and what still needs to be done. I excuse myself from the common room saying that I'm a bit tired out from today's events and head off to my room. Once in there I take out a quill and some parchment to make a list. Save Severus from being a death eater, check. Keep Peter from betraying James and Lily, Check. Get Tonks with someone other than Remus so that she is not a target, check. Hmm what else? Oh yes, find the Horcruxes, Save Neville's parents, Save Sirius and Regulus Black, Save Dobby from Lucius, and lets see oh yea save Dumbledore, and destroy Voldemort. I think that's all of it.

Ok now that the list is done I need to think of ways to complete these tasks. I can't be direct on how I go about things so I'm going to have to do everything in secret. As soon as I finish the checklist I hide so no one can find it. Then I go and finally lay down to sleep. But sleep is the last thing I should have done. Upon falling asleep I am pulled into a dream. In the dream I can see every one of my friends. Ginny is in tears and has withdrawn into herself.

I try to talk to her but my hand only goes through her shoulder when I reach out towards her. She disappears and I see Harry with Ron, both are in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey is giving them rather large doses of calming draughts and has to restrain them to the beds. What is happening to my friends? I see Professor McGonagall enter the room and can hear her talking with Madam Pomfrey. "We are going to have to send Potter, Weasley and Weasley's sister to St. Mungos Hospital, Poppy. We can not continue to keep them here. If we do then we are only endangering them further then their distraught minds already are. I know that they are suffering from the shock of losing Hermione, we all are, but they need help that we can not possibly offer them."

Before I can move so much as an inch towards any of my friends everything starts to fade. I can hear myself screaming out for them and then another voice screaming my name. "Hermione! Hermione, wake up!" I can't pinpoint that voice but I do wake up. Looking around I realize that I had somehow left my room and am now in the common room. I see Remus, and Lily looking at me with worry on their faces.

"Hi guys, what's going on?" I can't help but wonder how I got down here. But that dream is too real to leave my mind. Am I hurting my friends by being here? I don't know what to do anymore. Remus looks at me and just kind of stares with his mouth open in either shock or confusion. "Hermione, you were screaming in your sleep. We had to wake you up and we tried but you just refused to wake until you got to this spot then you said 'I'm sorry guys' and finally woke up for us. What were you dreaming about that would scare you that bad? We thought you were going to fall down the stairs the way you were walking down them," I heard Lily ask.

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