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Chapter 6: You're my Brother?
Hermione's Done What?

CH. 6 You're my Brother?

By. Patty H

Sept. 6 2007

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died.

OK go with me here. I do not know the actual year for the Marauders just that it's in the 70's, so the years are going to be 1978 and 1998. Also for some reason I'm having hell spelling anyone's names so PLEASE don't be mad if anything is wrong. Thanks to Ezmeralda Silvermoon for being my very first reviewer!

Héritage épelent means Heritage Spell in French


Hermione has done something terrible. But there's a twist was it really Hermione or just a cruel trick? Remus seems to sense something but what is it? And why has no one else noticed what's happening? Things are changing rapidly. New memories are forming and old ones are being erased from everyone's minds. What's going on and why now when there is a funeral to attend?

-Hermione's POV-

I can't believe this. I knew that I was really adopted in my time, but this? I can't believe that I'm Severus' sister. I did a heritage spell on myself to see if what Snape said was true. While praying that he is wrong. I can't even begin to imagine how on earth I can be 18 in 1998 but be Snape's twin sister that was born in 1960. Well time to read my results.

Name: Hermione Grace Snape

Adoptive name: Hermione Jane Granger

Born: August 7 1960

Adopted: August 6 1980

Believed to have died: August 7 1970

Born to: Eileen and Tobias Snape

Twin of: Severus Tobias Snape

Adoptive Parents: Jane and Robert Granger

So it's true then I'm really Hermione Snape. But that doesn't make any sense. How can I be 18 but be the sister to Severus who was born over 20 years before my time. I have to look this up. Turning I get ready to run to the library to look up how this is possible but I barely get two steps when I feel a tug at my arm.

Turning around I see Sn..Severus looking at me. Confused I look at him, "What are you doing?" He just has this sad look in his eyes then pulls me to him in a hug. Now this I did not expect to have happen. But I find myself hugging him back. "I can't believe that you are my brother, or the fact that I'm your sister. But maybe this will make things get better."

I wonder if my so-called death was what set him on his path of misery and darkness. I know he loved Lily but maybe there was more to the story. "Severus. Sev, can we maybe go talk somewhere? I'd like to get to know more about my brother."

As soon as I say that I see for the first time a genuine smile grace his face. That has got to be the most amazing sight I have ever seen. Never once when he was my teacher did he smile, sneer yes, but smile no. I couldn't help myself but to smile back at him then. As soon as we found a spot Severus sat down then pulled me down beside him.

"Ok sis, what would you like to know? I'm willing to tell you everything on one condition. You have to be honest about everything with me as well." Ok, simple enough. As long as he doesn't ask about anything that could point to my being from the future I'm fine. "Sure Sev ask away."

"Well I know how old you are, and your adoptive parents names. But what I don't know is stuff like the things you do and don't like. How your parents died, or even what school you went to before. Also did you have a boyfriend or any friends in America? Did you enjoy it there? Why'd you suddenly decide to come back here?"

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