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Chapter 17: The Aftermath And The End
Hermione's Done What?
Ch. 16 The Aftermath and The End By. Patty H
December 20 2009

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. Also I did not forget about my story it's just that the writing bug went on vacation for a long time. Plus joy of joys, both of my computers were damaged after a storm knocked out the power. Any updates will either be done when I can get to a computer or when I get one of mine fixed.

Merna (Harry s Twin) ; Liara (Luna s Sister); Fier (Mother to Liara and Luna)

- Harry's POV 1997-

I was just about to open the door to leave when Luna grabs my arm. "Wait Harry look in the corner. I think someone is there." I shake her off and head to the corner she pointed at. There is someone there. A very pregnant someone. I brush the woman's hair from her face and see a sight that shocks me. "Hermione! Oh Merlin Hermione wake up! Luna can you transfigure that chair into a couch? Good now Cedric help me move her to it." As soon as we lay her on the couch I notice a large area of her shirt is growing dark and looks wet. I reach out a hand and bring it back covered in blood. "Luna go get Madame Pomfrey, and McGonagall hurry!" No sooner is she out the door I'm tearing open Hermione's shirt. On her skin is a large gash that is almost as long as her side and at least three inches wide, not to mention how deep it is but I think I can see bone.
Cedric is moving to get something to cover her with when the door opens and Luna runs in with Madam Pomfrey. "You have to help her Madame Pomfrey, shes hurt and bleeding badly. Her name is Hermione Granger we found her lying in the corner just minutes ago. Please help her." She gives me a funny look then notices that Hermione is indeed on the couch. Moving quickly she shoves me aside and starts to work on her. I can't think I want to scream in frustration but I grab Hermione's hand and hold it while Poppy works on her. As I'm holding her hand I feel a slight burning sensation and notice that my hand has two new scars on it one is a bird the other is a set of rings. I look at Hermione's hand and notice she also has the rings but then I see the wedding band on her hand.
"She's married?" I didn't realize I spoke aloud until Poppy told me to see if I could find Hermione's husband. I couldn't think straight at first. Hermione is married, Hermione is pregnant. Who is her husband? "I don't know who her husband is Madame Pomfrey. I just noticed the wedding band." She gives me a pointed look but returns to caring for Hermione. "Ok I've got her stable and the wounds closed but I need to get her to the hospital wing and give her some blood replennishing potions. I suggest you three find Dumboldore and have him meet me there. NOW!" Gulping at her tone I grab Luna and Cedric and we run off to find Dumboldore. It's not too hard as he is just turning the corner ahead of us. "Professor Dumboldore! It's Hermione we found her. Madame Pomfrey said to fetch you she's taking her to the hospital wing. Can we please go with you I want to make sure that she will be alright." Wow did I just say all of that in one breathe?
He just nods to us and the four of us head to the hospital wing. Apon arriving we see Hermione laying in a bed with Poppy working on trying to feed her blood replennishing potions. I am by her side in seconds to help her. This is my Hermione, I know it I feel it. Once we have given all of the potions to her I remember to ask what the scars on my hand are. "Those are the mark of a Viera Harry. Your mother has one as well. The day your cousin Klarrisa got her familiar it marked each and evey person who was in your aunt's house. The ring means that she sees you as family and the bird means that she sees you as trustworthy. But Lily should have told you that years ago. After all you and Merna were born with them. Actually If I remember right, Luna, Cedric you two should be marked the same as Harry. Fran marked all of the Potter, Snape, Lupin, Ross, Diggory, and Longbottom children at birth after Klarrisa got her." We look at Dumboldore in shock before what he said raises a question in my mind. "Sir what about Lovegood, and who are the Ross'? I don't remember ever meeting anyone with that last name." He raises a brow and chuckles at me before pointing to Luna. "Luna is a Ross. As is her twin sister Liara. After all Luara Lovegood and Patience Green or Fier Ross are sisters. So either way Lovegood or Ross she is marked the same. Fran had chose to take all of the children on as her cubs, but only Klarrisa has the fullest extent of protection from her. Now her offspring on the other hand, each one of them are assigned to guard one of you. In your case Harry your Viera guardian is Hedwig. Yes Hedwig is an owl but her mother was a Viera and her father was an owl. If you ask her she will confirm what I have just told you. Have you never noticed how she is always guarding you and mothering you Harry?"
"Wait you mean to tell me that Hedwig is a Viera? What do viera look like? Are they a type of owl sir?" "No my boy, a viera is a rabbit like creature. They are hatched from eggs, the color of the egg tells you the most about what they will be like as a adult. but as there has never been a male viera they mate with other animals, sometimes the animal is a rabbit but usually it is whatever animal they build a strong bond with. Fran had chosen Crooks as her life mate. He will continue to live as long as Fran does. That is the perk of being marked by a viera. They can extend any animals life to be as long or short as their own. But for a human the mark adds at most another fifty years. Now since Hedwig is the offspring of a viera she does not need to mark you as you carry her mother's mark. Should she choose a life mate unlike a normal owl she can produce enough eggs to have each person she trusts have a guardian. The number of eggs are not limited to a small amount at one time like most egg layers. Instead as with Fran she can lay up to thirty eggs or more at one time. But enough with the lesson who is it that you have brought me to see?"
I had nearly forgotten yet at the same time I held Hermione's hand while I listened to Dumboldore's explaination. "This is Hermione Granger professor. But the thing is she looks to be at least two or three years older, is pregnant and apparantly married. She is the one who we had 'buried' over the summer. What I want to know is how is she here, alive and well as you can see pregnant, when she was suppossed to have died? Why does she look older also?" He looks at me with a look of pity but moves closer to look at her face. "Harry I think you should go home to rest. This woman is not Hermione Granger. This is your aunt Hermione Lupin. Although I must admit she looks an awful lot like her younger self when she had just married Remus but she is not the Hermione you keep going on about, go fetch your Uncle and then I expect you to rest."
I had just opened my mouth to argue with him when I realize that she is moving I look to see if she is waking up but as soon as her eyes start to open she begins to fade as though she is a ghost. I blink and look towards the others all three of them see the same thing, I can tell, they are all wearing looks of disbelief. "'Mione! Wake up 'Mione. What's going on why is she fading away?" I try to hold her hand tighter but only feel air as she has faded even more. I try a last ditch effort I lay the ring she gave me in the palm of her other hand and watch in fascination as it too starts to fade out. I could see if it was just my imagination to have seen her but to see the ring fade as well. I watch, filled with sadness and anger as she fades completely away, leaving nothing but a blood soaked sheet and an empty bed. She's gone again I lost her again. I can feel the looks of pity from Luna and Cedric but I don't care I grab the bloody sheet and hug it to me as I fall into a tearfilled sleep. The only thing in my mind is the hope that I can see her again. My Hermione.

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