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Chapter 13: Saving Neville
Hermione's done What?"

Ch. 12 Saving Neville

By. Patty H

August 18 2008

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died.


Lily is 2 months pregnant Sev. is the father of her daughter, Narissara. Andromeda is her godmother.

Hermione's POV 1978

I can vaguely remember waking up in the hospital wing. But there is something that bothers me. I can remember a dream I had prior to waking up. I see Harry standing at the foot of my bed. On one side of me I see Remus on the other Severus, but my focus is solely on Harry. He is staring at me as though trying to remember who I am. Then he smiles at me. "I miss you Hermione." I can remember hearing him say that as plain as day as though he were truly standing there. I am brought to tears at the fact that he remembers me. I just can't believe it. I've been gone for so long and yet he remembers me. It's just so amazing.

I hear a knock at the door to my room. Then I see a worried looking Lily come into the room. They have been acting as though I might shatter at any second since I was sent to the hospital wing over three months ago. I barely have a minute to myself. If it's not Lily then it's Sev or Remus. Not that it bothers me too much but they are too busy worrying about me. I can't get anything else done on my list this way. Tonight's the full moon though so I only have to deal with Lily. We found out yesterday that she is having a boy. I was joking around with her and said that she should name him Rune since we are keeping him a secret from everyone. My poor brother though. He doesn't even know that he has another child on the way.

But I guess that's a good thing. If he were to know he would be even more upset about Lily being with James. But I told Lily that she has to tell him soon. He will start to wonder what's wrong with her when she starts to show not to mention when the baby is born. I can't believe that I have been here for over three months already. All I have managed to do is save Peter, my brother and Harry's parents. I still have to save Neville's parents, Dumbledore, Regulus and Sirius. Not to mention that I have to find a way to get rid of Voldemort before he can cause any kind of trouble.

Once Lily finally left my room for the night I decided to go out I know Remus is at the shrieking shack, sure he has the others to help him but I want to be there with him. I know that he wont attack me. I can sense it for some reason. It's like the first time he transformed I knew he couldn't hurt me. I wait until it's dark everyone has fallen asleep by now. Slowly I sneak out of my room, and out to the stairs.

I stop after a few steps to make sure no one is nearby and slip through a passage Harry told me about in fourth year. I follow it down to the clock tower and head out towards the womping willow. It's not far and it's almost midnight so no one else is around. I just reach the willow when I hear Mooney howling. I look around to see if anyone else is near before I poke the knot in the tree so I can go through the tunnel.

The closer I get to Remus the more I sense him, the more Mooney howls. Something is wrong with him. I run through the tunnel until I reach the entrance to the shack. I walk as slowly as possible to see where everyone is. The boys are all laying down in their animagus forms in the room off to the left. Tip toeing past them I head for the room where the howls are the loudest.

I open the door a crack to see Mooney at the window scratching it and howling. He stops and sticks his nose in the air smelling for something. I creep in a little farther and watch him. I'm close enough to the door to run if need be. I feel a sense of calmness flood over me as though I drank a calming drought. Looking around I see things that like they were ripped apart. But that was a mistake. Because I'm knocked to the ground by Mooney.

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