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I walk into school, everyone stares. I haven't been in school for about a month. That reason was because I was in the mental hospital. Many people didn't know that. Only my brother Archie, and my best friends, Kevin, Betty, and Jughead know. I was in there because I hated life and tried to kill myself. I'm not comfortable at all with who I am at all. Quickly, I head to my locker to grab my stuff, but before I could get there, Reginald Mantle was already there.
"Hey, Sweetheart. Where have you been?" God I hate him so much.
"That's none of your business Reginald. Now get out of my way." He just laughed.
"Not gonna happen Sweetheart." I rolled my eyes. Then I heard my brothers voice.
"Reg, She said get out her way so move." I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes and walks off.
"Thanks Arch, But I could of handled that."
"I know Elle, but I wanted to help. Since you just came back." I just sigh and get the things I need from my locker. No one really knew I was back so when I went to the student lounge everyone that were my friends were in shock.
"Elle! Your back!" Kevin said and ran up, then hugging me.
"Yes I am back. Now let go you are killing me." He let go. I looked around and saw some new faces. One in-particular person caught my eye. She had pink highlights in her hair and was wearing a Serpents jacket. Why were the serpents there, I didn't know and I didn't really care. I didn't notice I was staring until Kevin whispers something in my ear.
"Elle, Just take a picture if you wanna stare." My face goes pink.
"Kev!" I slap his chest playfully, and he just laughs and walks to sit back down. I sit down in between Betty and Archie. Betty gave me a side hug.
"So glad you are back Elle." I give a small smile.
"Since Eleanor is back, we need to introduce her to the newcomers." Veronica said. When she said Eleanor I cringed. I hated my name, that's why people call me Elle.
"Well I'm Fogarty, but you can call me Fangs," a average size boy with a serpent jacket said smiling.
"And this is Sweetpea" Fangs said pointing at a taller boy with the same serpent jacket.
"Now for the best, I'm Toni Topaz." The girl I had been staring at said.
"Oh like the purple gemstone, love it. I'm Eleanor, but you can call me Elle" I say. Toni giggles. Her giggle was so cute.
"That What Veronica said." Toni says. I smile a little.
"Well great minds think alike, right Veronica?" I say. Veronica nods.
"Well since no body told me where you were. Can you tell me?" Veronica asked. I couldn't believe she asked me that. Of course no one is gonna tell her, she just came to Riverdale right before I left. I talked to her a few times but I wasn't really friends with her.
"Ronnie, I don't think she is comfortable telling you right now." Archie says.
"But, why wouldn't she be comfortable telling me where she was for the past month." Veronica argued. Archie was right, I wasn't comfortable telling anyone I wasn't close to where I was. Veronica and Archie argues on why I wouldn't be comfortable telling her. I was getting so annoyed.
"Fine, you wanna know where I was!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention in the lounge. Veronica nods.
"Elle, you don't have to." Archie says.
"I know I don't, but since Veronica here wants to know so bad. Why should I keep it from her?" I said with sass.
"Are you sure you wanna tell her?" Jughead asks concerned.
"Yep, since she is so use to getting what she wants, I'm gonna tell her what she wants to hear." I said almost in tears.
"Now where were you?" Veronica asked.
"I was in a mental hospital, Okay. You happy now." By the end I was in tears. Everyone heard what I said, now everyone is gonna think I'm that depressed bitch. I quickly ran out of the lounge to the bathroom. People were calling my name, but I didn't listen. Locking the bathroom door behind me I cry my eyes out. I couldn't believe that bitch was so self centered, she couldn't keep her fucking nose in her own fucking business and not mine.

THE SECRET GAY {TONI TOPAZ X OC}Where stories live. Discover now