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I sit down next to Jughead and Kevin, and Jughead gives me a look.
"I saw Toni and you talking in class today," he said whispering in my ear and winks.
"Jug no it wasn't like that," I say aloud. The group all looked at me confused.
"It's nothing," I say quickly before they can ask questions. I remember I have to text Toni, so I take out the slip or paper and my phone. Typing in the number, I can feel someone looking over my shoulder.
"Kevin, I know that's you stop," I say turning to look at him.
"I just wanna know who's number it is," he says. Then I feel the slip of paper come out my hands. I look over to who took it. It was Jughead. He smirked at me because he knew who's number it was.
"Forsyth, give me that back," I say and everyone turns to me.
"Woah, you only call Jughead, Forsyth when he did something bad or he took something away from you that is important," Archie says.
"Oh, I just snatched this paper out of her hands," Jughead says waving the paper in the air. Quickly I snatched it back stuffing in my pocket.
"Now all of you mind your own business. Betty, can I talk for a second," I say and she nods. I'm going to tell Betty. I trust her enough to support me. I bring her out to the hall. I take a deep breathe.
"Elle, what did you want to talk about," she asked.
"I'm gay," I say quickly. Her eyes lit up.
"Really?! I'm so happy for you," She says hugging me. I'm so glad she supports me.
"Wait who knows," she asked.
"Only you, Jughead, and Kevin." I say.
"Well I'm honored to one of the first to know," She says smiling.
"Just please don't tell Archie or anyone yet," I'm just not that comfortable yet," I say and she nods. She wraps her arm around my shoulders and leans her head on mine. While, walking into the lounge again.
"Well took you long enough," Jughead jokes. I giggle a little and I sit back down in my spot.
"I told Betty," I sad whispering in Jughead's ear.
"Really, I'm proud," he says. Luckily no one else was listening, because if the were, they would be all up in my business.

THE SECRET GAY {TONI TOPAZ X OC}Where stories live. Discover now