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I was crying in the Bathroom for what seems like hours. Then I heard a knock and someone say,
"Elle, are you okay in there?" I couldn't really tell who it was, so I walked to the door and unlocked it. While peeking out a little, I see Toni standing there. I quickly wipe my tears and open the door all the ways.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say.
"I can tell you aren't, Elle. You can talk to me." Toni says sympathetically.
"I don't really talk about my personal problem with people I just met, no offense to you."
"Oh okay, so since you said you don't talk to people that you just met, about personal problems. Maybe we could get to know each other more." Toni says to me.
"Maybe, But right now I'm going through a lot," I reply. She grabs a piece of paper from her bag and writes something on it.
"Here is my number, we can plan something if you want." Toni's says smiling slightly.
"Yeah we can plan something, bye Toni," I say walking out the bathroom wipe to remaining tears from my face. Quickly, I go to my locker, but when I got there, people was already there. It was Kevin, Jughead, Betty, and Archie.
"Hey Elle, are you Okay from what happened." Kevin said.
"Don't worry guys, I'm fine. Veronica wanted to know so badly, and now she knows, and probably the whole school knows too, but I don't care anymore. People know the real me now." I say calmly. They all nod, and leave except Jughead. He leans against my locker.
"I saw you looking at Toni earlier, why is that," Jughead asks.
"I don't know, she caught my eyes I guess," I says. He gives me a smirk, that smirks means he has an idea or a plan that is scandalous.
"You like Toni." He says. I could feel my face heat up.
"N-n-no I d-don't k-know What you a-are talking a-about." I say stuttering a lot, and Jughead knows when I stutter it's because I'm lying.
"You totally do!"

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