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The rest of the day went really slow. I couldn't stop think about Toni. I pulled out my phone and decided to Text Toni

Regular- Elle
Bold- Toni

Hey Toni. It's Elle x

Oh Hey Elle

So I was wondering. When should I meet you guys at Pops?

Around 5 but if you want I can pick you up

I will think about that

I got to go Elle. C ya later x

C ya x

I was smiling and I didn't notice until someone came up behind me and whispered in my ear. "Someone seems happy." It was Jughead. "Oh shut it." I say hitting his chest playfully. "Maybe it's because of a serpent with pink streaks in her hair." Jughead says joking. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You will never know." I say. I was going to say something and tell Jughead something really important, but then the bell rang. Before we head to our separate classes I say. "Meet me after school I need to tell you something." He agreed and we go our separate ways. I'm in class and I can't get one thought out of my head. My coming out to my family. I have been thinking about it often I just don't know who to do it. Then I got an idea. Kevin, he is gay and he is out. I guess I will ask him. At the end of the day I went to go find Kevin. I finally found him. "Hey Kev!" I said running up to him. "Oh hey Elle." I looked at him with an anxious looks, and he noticed. "Elle what's wrong?" He asked me and I took a deep breath and said "I need your help." I dragged him into an empty classroom. "Wow Elle what do you need help with?" "I want to come out to my dad and Archie." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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