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"Jug, I don't like her, and even if I do she probably doesn't even like girls," I say to Jughead.
"Oh Elle, you are in luck. She is Bi, and you are g-" Before he finishes I cover his mouth.
"Shhhhh, no one knows except you, and Kev. Archie doesn't know and he doesn't need to," I say. He nods and I pull my hand away.
"When are you gonna finally come out to your family though, I have been dying to get you a pride flag," Jughead says excitedly. I just shrug, and say,
"I don't know yet, I'm just not that comfortable yet," I say sighing.
"Okay, Elle," He says. He wraps his arm around me and we walked to our next class. Everyone might as well think Jughead and I are dating. I rather them think that, then them knowing I'm gay. When we reach our class we go our separate ways. Jughead goes to sit with Betty, and Archie. While, I sit in the back by myself. I was looking down not paying attention, then I heard someone sit next to me. I look up to see Toni.
"Hey Elle," Toni says
"Hey Toni," I say. There was awkward silence for awhile and then Toni spoke up.
"So Sweetpea, Fangs, and I are going to Pops wanna join," she asked. I think Archie doesn't really like the Serpents, but you know what. Oh well. I can have my own friends.
"Sure, what's the worst that could happen," I say smiling. She smiles back.
"Great, you have my number, so text me," She says and walks off back to the table with Sweetpea, and Fangs. I was spacing out, but I was close enough to hear Toni, Sweetpea, Fangs Conversation.
(Bold- Sweetpea, Italics- Toni, Underline- Fangs)

I just want to get to know her, nothing else.
Sure, Topaz.
It's obvious that you like her
Yeah what Fangs said

I can't believe I heard that but I tuned back in and listened to more of the conversation.

Yeah, so what. I like her. I just met her, and I don't even know if she is into girls or not, so tonight at Pops, don't say anything or you will both be dead meat.
I promise I won't say anything, but I don't know about Sweetpea.
I will try my best

And with that the bell went off. I was brought out of my thoughts and walked to the lounge. Everyone was giving me sympathetic looks, I hated it. It's like people think I'm a fragile girl. I kinda am still, but not as much as I was before.

THE SECRET GAY {TONI TOPAZ X OC}Where stories live. Discover now