Chapter 7

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He wasn't kidding about the way he drove.

The speed with which he flew down roads brought her heart to her throat. Chances were pretty good that she wouldn't die in the crash she envisioned, but it would hurt enough to put a damper on her first ever date. It would definitely mess up her hair, which, considering how long it had taken her, would definitely piss her off.

His fingers on her hand made her jump and she glanced at him. She let him take it as her focus returned to the road.

"You know, Irin, this is not the first time I have driven." The sound of his smile helped calm her racing heart. "I have had a car since there were cars."

"I know how to drive. I don't do it often. Flying is easier." And a lot less scary.

He squeezed her hand.

A moment passed in silence.

"So, about this demon, no love lost between you too?

"Not a bit." He glanced down at her. "Demons don't really care about each other. Unless it's blood. Even then, there is always tension."

"The road, Elathan. I am not going anywhere. Watch the road."

He grinned and looked away.

"Why do you not care for one another?"

"It's a constant power struggle in hell. No one wants to be a lower demon."

She sat and worried at her lip.

"Is there anything you can tell me about the one I am going to kill tonight?"

"Oh, there are lots of things I can tell you. He enjoys torturing human women. His power is lust. He can drive a human mad with it. Let me see if I can explain this delicately."

"Fuck delicately. Tell me."

His fingers twitched when she spoke. It was her turn to grin.

"Did I offend the great demon?"

"Quite the opposite." He looked at her. "That word, coming from your angelic lips, is... well... "He glanced down at his lap before looking back at the road. "A turn on." He finished.

She laughed at his grimace as he tried to adjust himself in tight jeans.

"Okay, angel. He gets off on fucking a woman so long she dies from it. It can take days up to a couple of weeks. He won't let them eat or sleep. No water passes their lips, unless he wishes for them to go longer. The woman, they beg and scream as their insides are rubbed away."

"Or the opposite if the victim is a male. They can't stop. Not once his hooks are in them."

All laughter dried up at his words. Yes, she would enjoy this one.

"He may try it with you, but your angel abilities will prevent it. The fact that he told me to bring a date tells me he wants to do it again."

What rose in her was anything but lust.

"Have you done this with him?"

"A long long time ago."

How was it she could so easily forget what he really was?

She let her head fall back as she looked out into the night sky. What would her brethren think of her now? The hand on hers tightened and she squeezed back. She wasn't angry. He wasn't that demon anymore.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Irin, why do you do this? Why do you ask questions that you don't want the answers to?"

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