Chapter 10

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Hell was a very big place, full of hallways lined with doors. Behind these doors, detestable actions were being performed on unwilling victims. Outside of these hallways were black mountains reaching into the red sky. Lakes of fire and waterfalls of lava completed the suitably gloomy scene.

By flashing from place to place, Elathan managed to locate the young demon that survived Irin only to find the void at the end of his blade.

"Well, well, well." A voice had him looking to find Batibat leaning against a wall. Jerking the sword from the chest of the dead demon, he let the body fall.

He frowned at his former lover as she pushed off the wall and moved toward him. There was a time, long ago, where her walk would have him ready to take her. Now, he only wondered what she wanted. He had somewhere else to be.

"What do you want, Bati?"

"Is that anyway to greet an old friend?" She reached him and slid her hand up Elathan's chest. Rix's blood dripped from between her spread fingers. Blood that splashed him when he sliced the young demon's throat before burying his sword in his chest. "Aw, still warm. Too bad. I might have saved him."

He stood looking at her. The blue-gray eyes that used to remind him of storms traveled his face. There was nothing in him. Not for her.

"Bati, you shouldn't have come after me." He took her hand off of him and dropped it. Weariness pressed down on him. He really didn't want to deal with her right now.

"Elathan, I am not going to tell anyone what you did. Hell, I am glad he is gone. He was revolting. The things he and his buddies did to me..." She shuddered.

"When?" The question startled him as did the concern he felt.

"A couple of centuries ago." She shrugged and stood tall.

"Why did you not tell me?"

"Elathan, really? Look around us. What do you think this place would do to me if I have to go find a bigger demon to fight my battles?" She gave a tiny smile. "And when did you start caring?"

"Not long enough ago. And too soon, it appears."

"Well, that is an answer. Sort of."

"It's the only one I can give."

"You know, secrets are my specialty. You do remember that, right. Pillow talk?" Her fingers walked back up his chest. "Want to try some pillow talk, lover? Maybe not so much pillow, and even less talking." Her fingers ran through his hair as she moved closer. "I am thinking that wall over there will be as comfortable as a feather bed."

"No. I don't. He grabbed her hand and squeezed. "I am not the demon you once knew, Batibat. You would do well to remember that."

Her eyes widened at the grip on her hand. "No, I see that. What has changed?"

"My soul." Letting her go, he turned and walked away.

She watched him, a thoughtful look on her face.


He appeared in the cell to find Irin and Sitri talking like long lost friends. Jealousy ripped through him. Why was he jealous of their casual conversation and not the sex? He clenched his fists, fighting the urge to separate Sitri's head from his shoulders. None of this was Sitri's fault. He had gone to him for help.

Irin's eyes found him and her soft smile loosened the steel around his chest. That look of welcome was for him alone.

"Come kiss me, demon." Her smile grew rueful. "Don't make me break these chains and come to you."

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