risotto nero 🎄snow land

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music that inspired this drabble:
kirby's epic yarn - snow land

it was another cold night in december.you were at home,and risotto was far away,on another job.you sighed as you gazed into the window as the white snow blended into the darkness of the night.you took another sip from your hot chocolate.you stared into it,the drink showing your reflection.small and sad,exactly how you felt.you looked over at the christmas tree.it was 5 feet tall,decorated with its dazzling christmas lights and ornaments. "it's christmas eve." you said,sadly sighing. "risotto should be here with me." you said,getting up to fix yourself another cup of hot chocolate.you were down in the dumps that you didn't realize you had bumped into a certain man.you looked to see risotto. "r-risotto?" you said,placing your cup on a nearby table. "what are you doing here?" "i thought you were at your job!" risotto faintly smiled. "i had ghiaccio take care of it,even though he seemed rather irritated at me,i'll deal with him another day." you smiled up at him. "maybe this christmas eve wont be so lonely after all." you thought to yourself,smiling. "go sit down." "i'll fix you up a cup of hot chocolate." after a few minutes of making and stirring the hot chocolate,you sat down next to risotto and handed him his cup." "i'm glad you're hear with me,risotto." "i'm glad i'm with you too,tesoro." he said,kissing you on the cheek.you both spended the rest of the night staring into the dark night,watching the snow gently fall and in each other's loving embrace.

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