giorno giovanna 🌼 vas

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song that inspired this fic:
vas - jagger finn

do not read this if you don't know how vento aureo will be spoiled big time if you read this if you don't know.

don't say i didn't warn you.

i've felt this way

you woke up,your mind groggy from the dreams you've dreamt tried snuggling into giorno's warmth,but instead was met with an empty space,slightly rubbed your eyes and got out of bed,careful to not alert giorno that you weren't looked around,only to see him on the balcony that was from your shared saw him,silently sobbing,his tears highlighted by the glow of the moon.

although i really shouldn't stay

"gio," you said,softly. "please come back to bed." you wrapped your arms around his felt him tense up,and then slightly eased up. "sorry for waking you up,tesoro." giorno said,not turning around. "giorno,i know something's wrong." you said,concerned. "it's not every night that i see you sobbing your heart out." giorno turned around to face you,his puffy eyes full of the unwanted tears.

i've  felt so strange

"i...couldn't do anything to save them," giorno said,balling up his fists. "i could've saved them if i had gotten in there in time." "abbacchio,bruno,narancia...they're all gone because of me." you held him even tighter. "giorno,they're not gone because of you.they were gone because of diavolo's king crimson.and you killed diavolo,and became the don." you said,brushing your hand to rest on giorno's cheek. "i don't know what they thought as they died,but you being the cause of their death is definitely something they didn't think as they died." you wiped a tear off his pained you to see him this broken. "they acknowledged the fact that they might die as they were finding diavolo." you said,wrapping your arms around giorno's chest,resting your head on them.

will you talk to me again?

"they gave you a chance to live,gio." "that's the thing," giorno felt something wet on the top of your head.he had started crying again. "it feels wrong to be enjoying life when they died trying to find diavolo." "giorno,you can't let this go to waste."
you stated. "i know it feels wrong to be laughing,to be loving,to be doing things when they're dead and gone,but you have to keep living." you moved your hands to place both of them on giorno's cheeks. "keep living for their sake,giorno." giorno looked at you,his face glowed in the moonlight.his frown slowly turned into a beautiful smile,a smile that showed that he'd keep on living.

but i really shouldn't stay

"thank you." giorno said,giving you a quick peck on the lips. "let's go to bed." giorno laced your hand with his as you both walked to the bed.

but i really shouldn't stay

"live for my sake,giorno giovanna."

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