leone abbacchio 🕰 i went too far

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song that inspired this fic:
aurora - i went too far

i went too far when i was begging on my knees
begging for your arms, for you to hold around me

"please leone," you said,grasping his hand. "don't go." it was one in the morning.leone turned around to see your sad face,highlighted by the moonlight.
it pained him to see you so sad,so broken.
"you know why i have to go,tesoro." he said,turning away.as much he wanted to comfort you,he'd knew he would make things worse by staying.you knew it would make things worse as well if you kept asking him about the matter,so you dropped it. "promise me",you said gripping at the covers to cover your body. "promise me you'll come back."
leone softly chuckled. "you know i always come back." "now go to bed,you need sleep." as you laid down again and positioned yourself in a comfortable sleeping position,you smiled softly at his face. "good night leone." "i love you." "i love you too." he said,kissing your lips softly but quickly.you closed your eyes,exiting from another world to enter a different world.
you woke up,expecting toned arms to be wrapped around your body.you opened you eyes,turning your head to the left.you realized leone wasn't here.you sat up,groggy for your hours in dreamland.you got up from your shared bed. "leone?" you said,walking to the bathroom.right then and their,it hit you he wasnt here.you remembered the past events pf last night.you were sad,but you knew he'd come back.you resumed your day as usual,no sign of leone.you texted him,the message was delivered but no thing saying it was read or anything. "oh well," you said. "it must be a difficult mission." and with that,you went to bed alone.it felt weird,not having leone gone in such a long time,but you went to bed nonetheless.

i went too far and kissed the ground beneath your feet
waiting for your love, waiting for our eyes to meet

a day passed by.you were getting concerned but you pushed it to the back of your head since you already were preoccupied with other things.you seemed a little out of it,but you still kept going on.
two days have passed.it wasn't the longest leone's been out,but you were still anxious.you couldn't help but ask your boss for a week off.you felt like you couldn't do work without be on edge as if you've been awake with no sleep.which you have.your boss was a understanding person,and could see the pain in your eyes.she understood and let you go.you went home and into your shared bedroom.you looked at the closet you both shared.you grabbed an old shirt of abbacchio's and put it on.you brought the collar of his shirt to your nose.you inhaled his scent,a mixture of slight wine and an vanilla-almondy scent.you sighed deeply in happiness.you proceeded to sleep in his shirt.maybe just maybe,it's the first good sleep you've had since he left.

crying 'give me some love, give me some love and hold me
give me some love and hold me tight

three days.you can't stop texting him,wondering if everything's alright.what if the enemy got him? what if he's dead? the moment you thought that thought you scolded yourself for thinking like that.leone abbacchio was a strong man.he'll make it.you missed his kisses on your forehead,your lips,your nose,everything.you just wanted to hear his voice.feel his hands in your hands.you hugged yourself trying to refrain from crying.the tears dropped,wetting your lap.you just wanted him to come home.
at this point you stopped sleeping.you were tired but you refused to go to sleep until leone came home.thats ever if he did,you thought.you stopped caring if you catched yourself thinking negatively.

oh, give me some love, give me some love and hold me
give me some love and hold me tight
you started wearing his clothes.it didnt cure your sadness and leone-sickness,but it helped a bit.you even looked at his pictures of him and of with you and him.you teared up with looking at them but it was a nice change of pace looking at his face,even if it was a printout and encased in glass.
you stopped thinking at this point.it hurted for you to think to look,feel,everything.you simply just laid in bed,only to get up if you needed food or to go to the bathroom.

i went too far when i was begging on my knees
when i cut my hands, so you could stand and watch me bleed

it hurts
come back to me
dont leave me
im so lonely without you

i went too far and kissed the ground beneath your feet
standing in my blood, it was a taste of bittersweet

crying 'give me some love, give me some love and hold me
give me some love and hold me tight

oh, give me some love, give me some love and hold me
give me some love and hold me tight

why can't i turn around and walk away?
go back in time?

i had to turn around and walk away
i couldn't stay, i had to walk away

i'm left behind with an empty hole
and everything i am is gone
after days of not getting out of bed you decided to get up.you noticed how grimy you were and took a shower and put on clean clothes.it felt nice.as you were almost done fixing your breakfast there was a doorbell ring.slightly interested,you yelled, "coming!" and fixed the last of your breakfast.you ran to the door and opened it,only to see bruno. "hello,how are you?" bruno said engulfing you in a hug.you returned the hug,softly smiling. "i'm doing pretty well i guess." "what brings you here?" you said you were letting bruno into the house you and leone live in. "(y/n),i am terribly sorry, i know i just saw you,but leone sadly passed away on our mission." bruno said,a solemn sad look on his face. "please understand." you looked down at your lap for a few seconds,then at bruno. "you're kidding right?" you said,your voice streaked with panic and fear. "please tell me he's gonna pop through that door and say i fell for it!" "please,bruno,please!!" you frantically looked for anything that would give it away,but alas,nothing.bruno engulfed you in a bearhug,stroking your back as you violently cried into his shoulder.

i tried to reach for another soul
so i can feel whole

everything hurts so much

oh, give me some love
oh, give me some love

why did you have to go?

oh, give me some love, give me some love and hold me
give me some love and hold me tight

tell me it's just a bad dream and i'll wake up from it and we'll laugh together and then kiss

oh, give me some love, give me some love and hold me
give me some love and hold me tight

where did you go?

why can't i turn around and walk away?
go back in time?

you promised me you'll come back

i had to turn around and walk away
i couldn't stay, i had to walk away

you were standing in front of his grave.it wrote leone abbacchio, march 25,1980 to xxxx.
as much as you wanted to cry,your eyes were dried out from the endless nights you spent crying for abbacchio and yearning for an  embrace and love that you'll never feel once again.you dropped a pink and white carnation on his grave softly. "maybe you went too far,leone." you murmured softly.and with that,you had to walk away,for if you had stayed maybe you would have yearned to go too far to be with him.

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