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I begin to breathe heavily as Cari takes her tank top off revealing her bare breasts to me; her nipples hard from her arousal. I suck in air between my teeth trying to contain myself. I lay my hand on her waist, biting my bottom lip gently. "Cari," I whisper softly.

She raises an eyebrow, seemingly annoyed with my constant interruptions, "What is it now?" she asks, attitude dripping from her every word. "We.. can't do this. If you want to be with me, we have to respect your father--"

"--Whatever, I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight," she says, pulling her top over her head, before climbing off of the bed and exiting the room. I sigh softly, running my hand over my face. I don't know why she wants to disobey her father so much; I've already been punched in the face today. Maybe, I should go talk to her and sort this out? Yeah, that's a good idea.

I walk out of my bedroom and think of all the places she could be right now; then it hits me - she said she'd be in the guest room. The only problem is--which guest room. Just as I began walking down the stairs, Xy walks my way--a basket of laundry in her arms. I silently thank God that she's near; maybe she's seen Cari.

I smile politely, "Xy," I say softly making her look up at me, "Yes, Michael?" she asks, stopping in her tracks.

"Have you, by any chance, seen Cari?" I ask curiously and she nods immediately. "Um, last time I seen her it was about ten minutes ago; she was headed outside towards the gardens," she replies and I sigh in relief, "Thank you so much!" I say, making my way outside towards the gardens.

As I near the colorful gardens, I see Cari sitting on a bench--playing with her promise ring. Upon hearing the leaves crunch under my feet, she looks up and when she sees me a frown presents itself onto her face. She looks at me for about thirty seconds before focusing on her ring again, making me sigh heavily. I continue to make my way over to her, and when I make it to where I wanna be; I take a seat on the bench beside her.

"Cari," I say her name softly, laying my hand on her thigh before caressing it softly.

She rolls her eyes, sighing, "What do you want, Michael?" she says while moving away from my touch. Her movements only make me move closer to her which upsets her a great amount.

"I love you so much," I say sincerely making her look over at me with hopeful eyes.

"Show me," she says seductively, "Show me you love me, Michael. Make love to me one more time, please.." she basically begs, climbing into my lap.

Before I can object, Cari smashes her lips onto mine--kissing me hungrily; her hands feeling under the white T-shirt that covers the top half of my body. My hands find her waist and I kiss her back with just as much hunger. "B-baby..." I whisper against her lips making her pull away quickly. "Maybe we should take this inside," I finish causing her eyes to light up like lights on a Christmas tree.

"Lets go inside then, baby," she agrees, taking my hand before dragging me into the house making giggles escape my lips.


"Peter!" I call for my boyfriend, not even a minute later he's standing in front of me.

"Do you want a pickle with milkshake again?" he asks with a disgusted face making me laugh loudly, shaking my head.

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