Chapter 2

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No one's POV

Today is December 20th. Daisy's first birthday. She Thinks that its her Papa's birthday. Daisy knows its in December.

So she went into her Fathers' room. She climbed onto the bed. "Where's Daddy?" she asked herself.

Her Daddy is missing. She starts to cry. "Papa! Daddy gone!" Daisy cried. That made Louis shot up from the bed to see his baby girl cry.

Because her Daddy wasn't in the bed. Louis pulled her into his embrace. He held her tight and kissed her curly head.

"Hey. Its ok. Daddy's here. Lets go find him.Yeah?" He said to her. She nodded.

Daisy found one of her Daddy's shirt. Its a heart shirt. She held on that shirt like its her life line.

They walked downstairs to hear Harry humming. When they to the bottom of the stairs,Daisy saw her father. "Daddy!" she squealed.

She ran to him. "Morning bug. Morning babe." Harry said. "No Go Daddy. Scawy me and Papa." She told her father.

Harry picked her up and bounced her on his hip. "Morning,Babe." Louis said.

"Bug I came downstairs to make you and Papa breakfeast." Harry told her. "It Papa bithday!" Daisy squealed at her Papa.

Who kissed her Daddy. Harry and Louis looked at each other. They know that today is Daisy's first birthday.

But she gets confused about her birthday and her Papa's. "Bug today is your birthday. Not Papa's. His is the 24." Harry told her.

Harry set Daisy on the floor. "Ok." she said. She went to watch T.V.

"Harry you need to stop breastfeeding her. Daisy is one years old. She's big enough for regular milk." Louis told him.

Harry stills breastfeds even though Daisy has refused him. By pushing away from Harry's nipple.

But Harry looks at her with big bright green eyes and she sucks on his nipple. "But Louis,I'm used to it. She is too." Harry said.

"Harry she tries to push your nipple away from her." Louis told him. Harry wanted her to be his baby girl forever.

Harry's mum and sister are at their house. Louis' Mum,Sisters,and stepdad are at their house.

Liam,Zayn,and Niall are Harry and

Louis' house.

"Daddy milk?" Daisy asked Harry. Harry lifted his shirt. "No Daddy Milk. Papa milk." she said.

Daisy pointed to the glass of chocolate milk in Louis' hand. "Ok. Harry are you ok?" Lou asks his husband.

Daisy walks over to her sad father. "I sowwy Daddy.Unwe Ni and Wiam won't wet me stay wittwe wike you want." Daisy said.

As she put her short arms around Harry's waist. She kissed his cheek. Harry chuckled. "Ok,Bug. You'll always be my baby girl." Harry said to her.

They started the birthday party for Daisy. Daisy went to get dressed. She came back down.

She is wearing a striped shirt with red skinny jeans. She had her blue TOMs in her hand.

She has one of Harry's bandanas on her head. She has Harry's heart shirt on. She also has white Converse on,too.

She walked over to Harry. "Daddy can you tie this?" Daisy asked him. He chuckled at what she's wearing. "Sure, babe." he said.

He tied the bandana on her. So they all got in our cars and headed to Doncaster. Harry,Daisy,and Louis had suitecases.

They were going to celebrate Louis' brithday there. And then drive to Holmes Chapel for christmas.

When they finally got to Doncaster,Harry drove to the Doncaster Rovers football field. Daisy was knocked out sleeping.

When they parked their cars Harry got Daisy out of her car seat. Harry carried her into the field.

They set the party up. Everyone saw it. Its themed Football,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Manchester United,Transformers,and Doncaster Rovers. They made it work.

Daisy was waking up. She wanted a sibling. "Daddy?" Daisy asked looking up at her father. "Yes,Bug." Harry said.

Louis had walked over to them. He noticed Daisy was about to ask something important. "Can I have a sibling?" she asked her fathers.

"Why,Bug?" Harry and Louis both asked her. They were in shock that she would ask that.

"Daddy has Aunt Gemma and Papa has sisters and another one and a brother." Daisy said.

"Have you always wanted a sibling?" Harry asked her. She nodded. So they celebrated her birthday. Everyone went back home.

Harry,Louis,Daisy,Anne,Gemma,and Jay went back to Jay's house. Daisy is asleeping. Louis is holding her.

"So what did Daisy asked you?" Anne,Gem,and Jay asked them. "She wants a sibling." Harry said.

"Why? She's an only child." Gemma said. "Well she said I have you. Louis has sisters and a brother and sister on the way." Harry told them.

They nodded. They understood where Daisy was coming from. She has aunts and uncles. That night Daisy was sharing a room with Pheobe and Ashly the twins.

"Harry come on. Baby Daisy wants what I want." Louis said. He was trying to get Harry to make love so they can have another baby.

"But if Daisy walks in?" Harry asked. "she won't come on baby." Louis says. He pouts and Harry gives in.

So Harry is naked because Louis took his boxers off. Louis is naked. Harry and Louis are making love. Louis cums in Harry.

Harry wears a condom. Because if their daughter comes in. Now their sweating,panting,cuddling,

and snuggling.

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