Chapter 6

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So now Daisy is 11 years old. Brandon is 10 years old. Harold Tomlin is the popular guy at school. Daisy is the sassy,caring,loving,prankster,football player,and nerd.

Harold and Daisy are in art class. Daisy sits with her best friends Tiffany,Ashly,and Alexis. When Harold walks over to them.

"Hey Daisy would you want to go out with me?" Harold asks her. "Yes!" she squealed happily. Harold and Daisy have all their classes together.

Harold is holding her hand. Harold as had a crush on Daisy since he saw her at football games. Daisy has a crush on Harold.

Its the end of the day and Harry is going to pick the kids up. Brandon got in the back seat of the Range Rover. Daisy got in the front seat.

"Daddy Harold Tomlin asked me out." she told her father. Daisy could never hide anything from her Daddy. she tried to once but.

She started to cry and told him. "What?! Daisy I want to know everything that happened." Harry said to his daughter. She nodded.

Daisy told her father everything. They drove to the recording studio. Daisy got out of the car and ran to hug her Papa. Brandon did the same.

"Papa!" she squealed happily. Louis picked her up. He carried her inside. "Papa,Uncle Zaynie,Liam,and Niall a boy asked me out." she told her Uncles.

Her Aunt Perrie and Sophia walked inside when they heard about Daisy getting a boyfriend. Louis' face was red. "What?! Whats his name?" Louis asked her.

"Harold Tomlin. You,Daddy,Uncle Liam,Zaynie,and Nialler are coming with us,on dates. Because I said so. He's sassy like you,Papa." Daisy sassed.

Daisy has Louis' sassiness. "We will fucking be there." Louis stated. Daisy nodded. Daisy learned cuss words from her Papa and Uncle Niall.

Daisy did all her homework. Brandon did,too. Daisy stayed in her Papa's lap. While Brandon stayed in his Daddy's lap.

Louis and Harry are happy that their kids have not said,' I hate You. You are ruining my life.' Their kids love them. Daisy is a happy girl.

Louis is now overly protective of their daughter. Daisy has gotten her period. That makes her a moody bitch. But she has started to grow breasts.

Louis and Harry hate that she's growing up. But she's always their little girl. Like how Brandon is always their baby boy.

Its been three weeks since Harold and Daisy have been dating. Harry,Liam,Niall,and Zayn aprove of Harold.

Perrie and Sophia do,too. Louis does aprove of Harold. But he doesn't want them to know. Harry knows that Louis approves of Harold.

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