2 - Reading

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After a stressful day at practice, all Kenma wanted to do was read his book. Normally, he would play his game, but his boyfriend confiscated it after Kenma played it for 14 hours straight. Now Kenma was really sucked into his book and *had* to know the ending.

Kuroo watched from the gym as his boyfriend went outside, flinched from the sun, and slowly made his way across the large green field to the oak tree. He sat down and started reading, unaware of his audience, and opened his book, the hardcover creasing, as his eyes scanned the page.

Kenma's emotions played across his face as he read. At one point, he had to stop reading from second-hand embarrassment. Kuroo found it adorable when Kenma flushed soft pink and squeezed his eyes shut. Kenma was too into his book to notice Kuroo slowly approaching with a book of his own. That is until Kuroo kissed Kenma on the head and plopped down next to him, cracking open his book and beginning to read. Kenma took pause, getting accustomed too the warmth and coziness rolling off Kuroo in waves. Kuroo tended to have that effect on Kenma.

Kenma leaned into Kuroo. Kuroo relished in the moment and wrapped an arm around Kenma's shoulders, pulling him closer. A gust of wind blew by and lifted Kenma's ombre hair, and Kuroo found himself getting distracted by his partner often. He kept looking up from his book, just to see Kenma's face. Kuroo tried to memorize Kenma's every feature, and Kenma was none the wiser to his constant admiration. He was off in his own world, eyes widening at one scene and brows furrowing at another. Kuroo found this amazingly adorable and found himself watching Kenma's expressions more than reading his book.

Kenma closed his book, sighing, before noticing Kuroo's gaze. He flushed.

"Wh- why are you looking at me?" Kenma asked, trying to duck out of Kuroo's gaze and failing.

"Because you're pretty," Kuroo said, trying too sound stern before practically swooning, " my pretty Kenma,"

"No, I'm not," Kenma looked down, and sadness painted his features. Kuroo's expression got serious.

"Kenma. Look at me," He grabbed Kenma's chin, tilting it toward him, "you are very, very pretty,"

"N-" Kenma's protests were cut off by Kuroo's lips. At first, he tried to argue further, pushing away, before giving in and leaning into Kuroo.

"Yes. You are," Kuroo almost sounded mad, but when he saw Kenma's fear, his features softened. Kenma leaned into Kuroo's chest, sighing as Kuroo wrapped his arms around the small boy. Kenma closed his eyes and Kuroo looked down at his very pretty boyfriend.

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