ITS BEEN A YEAR?(Flower Shop AU Cause Im Basic)

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A/N: Hey! So I lowkey forgot about this story for a hot second, sorry. Anyways, thanks so much for all the support. That's whats inspired me to keep writing:). Anyways, here's your story, ya thirsty shits(jkjk ily all)

It was a normal day in the shop for Kenma. He'd spent most of his day zoned out, as most people weren't in dire need of flowers in the middle of summer. It was unbearably hot outside and the only thing keeping Kenma from dying of heatstroke was a small battery-operated fan. 

Meanwhile, Kuroo was fucking pissed. He had been getting his usual order of coffee when the barista started hitting on him. He tried to explain he was taken, and when she persisted anyway, that he was gay. This bitch just couldn't take a hint. The more aggressively Kuroo denied her, the more she seemed convinced that they were destined to be together. Kuroo ended up leaving without his coffee, which only added to his pissy mood. 

He trudged down the sidewalk towards the one place he actually wanted to be. He sighed as the oppressive heat beat down on him, practically covered in sweat. He was still a few blocks away. Man, this walk would have been so much easier if he'd just gotten his coffee. 

The heat only increased as he crossed a road, the blacktop absorbing more heat than the sidewalk. At this point, Kuroo was liable to pass out. 

Finally, the flower shop came into view. Kuroo sighed, it wouldn't be any less disgustingly hot in there. Onward he marched, for that was not the reason for his visit. 

Kuroo sucked in a breath as he entered the flower shop. The smell of various flowers wafted over. The wooden floor creaked as he made his way across the shop. The soft yellow walls provided calming energy. Smiling, he approached his favorite antisocial pretty-boy. 

Kenma was completely zoned out, not taking note of his store's visitor. He had begun playing his DS to pass the time, considering he had no customers at the moment. 

"Hey, Ken," 

Kenma brought his eyes up to the other boy only when his DS was forcefully removed from his hands. Kuroo placed a hand over Kenma's bleach-damaged locks as he tried to retrieve his prized gaming system. 

"Give it back," Kenma demanded, a hint of annoyance settling into his monotonous tone. His features remained relatively the same. 

"Glad to see you too, Kenma," Kuroo smirked, using his height to his advantage, "How was your day?"

"Great until you showed up"

"Shut up, you were waiting for me all day," Kenma broke eye contact, telling Kuroo that he had been right. 

"Whatever, smartass"

"Oh, you love this ass," Kuroo said with a wink. Kenma rolled his eyes. 

A/N it's 12:30 am rn so as much as I'd love to finish this chapter I'm gonna make this a two-parter. Sorry. I'll finish it in a few hours, don't worry. By the way, feel free to comment requests below:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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