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Y/n's hands press harder against the glass, and I watch the tears slide down her cheeks. I can't do anything to help her now, all I can do is watch. The creature behind her floats toward her, and I break eye contact for just a moment to see how much time she has left. She smiles softly, painfully.

"Goodnight," she whispers as the creature consumes her once again, and when it floats off, she's gone.

All I can ever do is watch.

I remove my hands from the glass, and I wait a small eternity for the sand to stop pouring because when that sand stops pouring, I know my time will be up, too.

I sigh lightly, seeing my dream quickly fade into darkness at the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder.

"Doyoung? Doyoung, get up!" My roomate, Mark, shakes me harder. Groaning exaggeratedly, I open my eyes to be greeted by an already prepared Mark and the feeling of dread that comes with knowing I'm going to have to get out of bed if I want to be left alone. "Oh, good. I was asked to wake you up since practice is going to start early today. Better get ready."

I raise my eyebrows. "Again?"


Thankfully, practice today is just going to consist of going over the vocals for our first album. The boys and I head to the practice room and get to work, only stopping to take a break once we run through the songs multiple times and fix up a few parts.

"Thank god we stopped, it feels like my throat is gonna collapse," Haechan whines, sprawling out on a chair.

"Well how else are we supposed to improve if we don't practice?" Taeyong reasons. The rest of the boys take seats around the room, either getting a drink or just resting.

Jungwoo pitches in, "At least we're almost done for the day." He smiles warmly, almost making me feel guilty for being completely worn out.

"And then we'll start all over again tomorrow," I say in a faux-cheery voice.

Haechan snickers. "And maybe tomorrow you won't have so many voice cracks, Doyoung."

I roll my eyes playfully before standing up, going over to the calendar to see how much time we have left. Flipping through the pages, I find the date of our debut stage.

"Only two more months. Are you ready?" Taeyong's voice comes from behind me.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous."

"We'd all be." He smiles softly as we look across the room, watching our group members laugh and talk with one another. In two months, the ten of us will be known as SM Entertainment's newest group, NCT 127. We'll be training to the point of exhaustion until our performance, but in the end, it'll all be worth it.

Practice gets over soon enough, and we all head back to the dorms. Having worked on the same songs for hours on end, it's safe to say I feel completely drained. I immediately head to my room when we get home, as opposed to everyone else who decides to hang out in the living room for a little while, and get ready for bed. I lay down, closing my eyes and making an effort to even out my breaths to soothe me after the tiring day. Soon enough, my entire body relaxes, signing off for the night.

When I open my eyes, I'm standing alone in the middle of the woods. The setting sun dimly lights up two paths in front of me, those being the only area where the ground isn't taken over by trees, bushes, and tall grass. I take the path to my left, my footsteps disrupting the calming silence of the nature surrounding me. The walk is rather short, and it takes me to a small lake framed by a few pine trees. The water reflects the red and orange tones of the sky, drawing me to it. I walk around the lake a ways before coming across a girl sitting on a wooden dock, staring down at the water while it gently ripples.

I step onto the dock, slowly sitting next to her. "Hi, I'm Doyoung." I'm careful to keep a good distance to make sure she's comfortable with my presence. She doesn't move, her eyes still following the patterns in the water. I try again, "I'm /// Doyoung." The sound of my voice changed into a piercing static when I tried to use my family name. The girl whips her head up, staring at me intently.

"Say it again." Her voice is quiet and light, and I almost have to strain to hear it.

"I'm /// Doyoung." The static rips through the air once again, yet the girl smiles widely. "What's going on?"

"I'm /// y/n. If this is what I think it is, you're my soulmate." She turns her body to face me, her rather pretty smile never leaving, "Nice to meet you."

"Wait, so this is our first soulmate dream? How do you know?"

She pauses, almost like she's searching for the right words. "A friend of mine talked to me about hers. Apparently she wasn't allowed to tell her soulmate anything too specific about herself, but she never told me what would happen if she tried."

"So when I tried to tell you my last name—"

"The static." Y/n finishes my sentence. She looks back out to the water. "Why can't we just tell each other everything? Aren't we supposed to be the perfect match or whatever?"

I think for a little while, realizing that the sun was already almost completely set. "It's not going to be easy to go out and find you if I don't know that much about you."

"That's implying that you're gonna try."

"I'd like to meet you as soon as possible," I say, causing her to look back to me, making eye contact, "and it's nice to meet you, too." The sun fully sets, and everything fades into darkness.

My eyes open, and I immediately want them to close again. Groaning loudly, I roll out of bed and start to get ready for the new day, already feeling Mark's eyes on me.

"Good morning to you, too," Mark slurs as he brushes his teeth in the bathroom attached to our shared bedroom.

I walk into the bathroom, sighing. "Now's not the time."

"Did something happen?"

"I had my first soulmate dream last night. Her name is y/n."

"What was it like?" Mark looks at me expectantly. He and Haechan are the only two members that haven't met their soulmate yet. Other than me, that is. At least they still have the excuse that they're minors.

"Well," I pause, trying to think of the dream. Her name is y/n, and we were talking. That much is obvious. The other details seem further away the more desperately I try to get to them. They've already faded from my memory. "I can't really remember anything else."

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