30 | alone / together

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Everything seems so perfect and fine now. Peter is alright and well. We are finally official after years of waiting and longing for each other. Susan is still being asked for her hand in marriage. Lucy is still Lucy. But Edmund....

When Peter and I announced our relationship to them, It hit Edmund hard. I was sad because he began to be distant from me. He skipped our morning trainings. He makes up excuses not to hang out with me. It saddened me and I blamed myself for it. That's why right now, I will confront Edmund and tell him I'm sorry for rejecting his offer.

"Ed. We need to talk," I said as I blocked his way. He stopped walking but was still looking down.

"Ed- I'm sorry." I said and he suddenly looked up, "I'm sorry for rejecting your offer. I'm sorry for breaking your heart... To be honest, I wanted to take your hand. I wanted to open my heart to you- but when Peter came back I..."

"It's alright, Erin. I'm okay. Don't blame yourself. I'd rather you be with Peter than with me. I just want you to be happy. When you're happy... then I am happy," Edmund smiled.

"No, I just... wished the circumstances were different," My eyes began to tear up, "Maybe in another life."

Edmund smiled at me while wiping my tears away, "In another life."

"You're a good man, Edmund," I said as we embraced each other.

"I will never break my promise to you. I will continue to stay by your side and protect you. My life is yours," Edmund stated.

We let go of each other and decided to go to the kitchen to eat, but then Peter suddenly appeared out of nowhere and suddenly punched Edmund.

"Peter!" I yelled as I shielded Edmund from Peter's other attacks.

"Peter stop!" I said blocking his way for another punch.

I was always scared of Peter or even Edmund when they get angry because it can be ugly. And I know how Peter is when he's jealous.

"Stay away from my girl, Ed!" Peter yelled at Edmund.

Peter looked at Edmund with his bloodshot eyes. The eyes of an angered High King. There were only anger and jealousy in his eyes.

"Bloody hell, Peter! We were just talking!" I shouted

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"Bloody hell, Peter! We were just talking!" I shouted.

"Just talking- how about hugging?!"
Peter exclaimed.

"Peter, he's my best friend! We just hugged," I said.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I don't intend on ruining anything. I'll just go now," Edmund said as he walked away leaving me and Peter alone together.

"You have to stop acting jealous all the time. Ed and I are bestfriends," I said.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help seeing the woman I love being with another man. I can't stop my urge to want you all to myself. But I can't forget my sin towards you. So this is only fair," Peter sighed at the end.

He's eyes looked so angry before but when Edmund left and when he looked at me, every inch of anger and wrath disappeared and all that was left was love, compassion, and sadness.

I hugged him.

"To be honest, I would've done the same when I saw you with Isabelle, but I didn't. Let's fix ourselves and have a healthy relationship, ok?" I asked.

"Yes of course. But being jealous is a part of me. I will try my hardest not to punch Edmund or any other man that talks to you. But if they touch you inappropriately, they will get their death wish," Peter stated.

"Okay alright. Let's go and eat now-oh wait hold up! Apologize to Eddy now before we eat," I ordered.

"Yes, I will," Peter replied and I smiled.


Erin The High Queen || Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now