Where now?

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I awoke on a muddy creek bed. My stomach gave a sudden lurch as I rolled over. That can't be good, I thought.

I lifted my head. Dizziness hit me with a hard blow. My head was pounding.

I let my hands sink into the muddy ground and dug my fingernails deep inside the earth. I tried remembering last night but my thoughts seemed blocked by an invisible wall.

I sat up. I instantly choked as the lukewarm water poured out of my mouth.

After I finished coughing up the salty liquid,I stood up and looked around. My bag was hanging on a branch of a washed up log.

I walked over and gently lifted it off and swung it over my shoulder. I titled my head around and carefully scanned the area. A thin line of trees,there would be no point of making shelter in one of them tonight, I'd be struck down by a group or seen as fresh meat by lurkers.

I took a few steps. My feet slowly sank into the mush with every step I took. Bringing them back up was another issue though. The noise sent shivers down my spine as I realised it would draw attention to my surroundings.

Once I had made it to stable ground, I had a better chance at getting somewhere. However my clothes were soaked, I was hungry, and tired. With no clue of my whereabouts, the one thing that remained on my mind was, how am I going to survive this time?.

I walked over to the scrappy old trees. Maybe if I climbed one I might be able to get a better look at what's ahead, I thought. Hunting might be a weak point in me, but climbing trees is something I'm able to do, just as someone would breath in air.

I jumped, grabbing the closest branch with only the tips of my fingers. With much difficulty, I heaved my frail body up and onto a thick and sturdy branch beside it.

I carefully stood up and reached for the branch above my head. I grabbed it and swung my body onto it. I leaned sideways and positioned myself onto the nearest branch. Nearly there, I thought. Using one hand, I was able to propel my legs up and swing them onto the final and top branch of the tree. I tightened them around the log and used all my strength to heave up my second half.

I sat there, uncomfortably perched in the tree looking around with all desperation to find civilization.

My eyes widened in amazement as I noticed a nearby town. It was really close, too close, I thought.

I gradually climbed down a few branches before jumping back onto the dead grass. I had finished with walking now and had began running. It felt nice to be finally in control, to be free. I had reached the town.

Abandoned and rundown, it probably was bustling with people when it was in use, I thought. I took a few steps before realising I should only get what I need. I didn't know who or what was lurking through the shops. To be honest though, I couldn't care less. I had been through enough to know whatever it was,I could face it. This new rebellion side of me sent waves of excitement through my body.

I walked into a pharmacy. It had been cleaned out. It's shelves were bare and the thought of anything still being around was impossible. However that didn't stop one woman from searching through some empty boxes and open anything that may have been a use. " Um, excuse me". My voice rang out and echoed over the walls.

The woman spun around, startled, she grabbed for the weapon that she had carelessly left on the front counter and held it tightly in her right hand. Her eyes widened as she realized not only of how careless she had been, but of how young I was. "I'm looking for shelter, do you happen to know where any might be?".

My voice was so innocent like and I sounded scared with every word that I said. The woman looked at me and spoke softly but clearly. "I'm in a group, come if want but we have conditions".

She stared at me caustically. I realised she was either waiting for an answer or for me to pull out my knife and attack. "What are they?". I tried sounding tough and defiant but as usual everything I did turned against me. "If you're content on coming, I'll tell you when we get there.

This place has been scavenged out throughly". She looked around, waving her hand at the empty shelves. "Leaving is my only option now. It would be the best and only time to decide what you're going to do". Her voice was a bit more harsh than before, but I understood clearly.

"I'm coming with you, I'm not a group person though". The look she gave me after that made me think she might leave me behind.

" That doesn't matter, there might be a herd rolling through here soon. So I ask you again, you're either coming or you're staying, I don't care".

Her voice was definitely impatient now and I thought better than to test her. "I told you, I'm coming". I said as I followed her outside towards a black jeep.

"okay, so be quiet and get in". Her hand nudged towards the back seat.

I climbed inside. I had just done my seatbelt and turned my head back towards the woman.

I was about to ask why she hadn't shut the door and was still standing there, when a sharp object jabbed me in the arm.

My vision went blurry and I fell back onto the seat beside me. My body went numb as everything went black.

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