Old friends

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I was perched on the ground, taking in my surroundings carefully. It had been a few days since the fight, but my face had healed pretty well.

I had gone off into the woods with a guy named hunter. He was the same age as me and was supposed to be teaching me the basics of surviving in the woods.

Quite frankly I didn't think I needed it, I'd kept myself alive this long, I would've thought I had known a thing or two about survival.

We had kept walking until we had reached a small clearing, there was a stream nearby and trees that enclosed us inside. Perfect place for small animals to roam if you ask me.

Hunter was crouched over by a nearby tree setting up our first trap.

"Can you pass me that string just beside your feet". He said gesturing towards a small piece of rope beside my foot.

"Sure". I grabbed the rope before his hand even brushed against it.

"Here, will this be enough", I said as I handed him the rope.

He looked at me and stood up.

"The first trap's done". Whether or not we'll need to set another depends on if we catch something in this one".

He walked over to a hollow log and sat down.

"What do you wanna do while we wait?", I said as I sat next to him.

He gazed at the stream. "Um... maybe we could get to know each other a bit better"

I sighed. "Sure, I've got nothing better to do, and as long as you keep an eye out for roamers".

His hand gestured towards me, and assuming I was to go first I asked away.

"How did you end up with a group like this?".

He looked at the trap before answering. It took him awhile to find the right words, but he got it out in the end.

"I was with another group, they were decent people, until they started doing things differently. I got away from them. I was lucky, most people that escape don't make it".

He sighed. "It's because you have too know how to survive, in order to make it in this world".

"That's bullshit", I said glaring at him. "I didn't know how to survive at all, but yet here I am listening to you".

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever", he said scornfully before walking off.

I stood up and walked over towards the trap. A fat rabbit was trying to wriggle free from where its leg had been pinned.

Suddenly a sharp blade stabbed the hare through the neck.

"Show no remorse, don't hesitate".

I looked over my shoulder to see Hunter cleaning his knife with a small piece of cloth.

After cleaning his knife he loosened the rabbits foot from the trap and shoved it in his bag.

"Are you done sulking?", I said as he started packing his stuff away.

He continued with what he was doing before speaking .

"We should head back now, ain't gonna catch anything with no light left".

I looked up. The sky was a tinted mix of pink and purple faded amongst each other.

I checked I had all my things. We were about to leave when a sudden approach of footsteps stopped us dead in our tracks.

I was about to keep walking in case it was someone from the camp, however Hunter held his arm out in front of me and whispered for me to hide.

I quickly climbed the tree in front of me and hid over on the side with the most leaves.

As far as I could tell 3 men were approaching, they hadn't seen me, yet, but it was only a matter of time before they discovered Hunter.

I looked over to where he was crouched. He pressed his finger to his lips.

He caustically looked over the bush that covered him.

I could hear their voices, and within a few seconds I was able to understand what they were saying.

"Yeah, that little bitch deserved it, every bit she got was for her own good". The man in the front said.

Cold shivers ran down my spine.

"This looks like a nice spot, think any walkers I'll come by".

He stood over the log I had recently been sitting on.

"Nah, we should be fine for the night".

He took notice of cloth hunter had used to wipe his knife,lying carelessly on the log.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we're not alone fellas".

I saw his gaze shift to Where Hunter was hiding.

"Found ya", he snarled as he pulled him out from behind the tree by his shirt collar.

The mans eyes gleamed with delight as he threw him onto the ground.

"What do ya know?, its that little scumbag who ran from us, what was his name again?".

The other two men behind him came over to the guy to see what he found.

"You done running from us boy, who are you with!!" He yelled before he kicked Hunter in the ribs.

He groaned in pain before answering. "No one, I'm by myself".

"Bullshit". Said one of the men as they edged closer to him.

I heard the slight crunch of leaves behind me.

I spun around and was grabbed by one of the men who had snuck up behind me.

He grabbed me. His hands held me in a tight grip, it seemed impossible to break free.

He threw me onto the dirt next to Hunter.

I reached for my dagger, but my fingers had only brushed the wooden handle before someone's boot was crushing my hand.

I let out a little squeak as I heard a few of fingers click under the antagonising weight.

"Not so fast Missy. Get the sacks, now!".

One of the guys behind him threw two dirty potato sacks towards him.

He took the first one and pulled it over Hunters head.

He lifted his foot from my hand and pulled the second sack over my head.

He grabbed me by the shoulders,forced me up, and dragged me off through the forest.

I felt sick to my stomach.

I realized it was starting to rain as cold drops of water dripped down my neck.

"Get in". Spoke the man next to me. He tossed me into the back of a van.

A limp body was chucked beside me.

"Wait till Charlie hears about this", one of the guys inside the front of the van said.

"He won't care, probably let him go as soon as we turn up at the gates. You know we got More important things to deal with, or should I remind you?". Said a deeper voice from the passengers seat.

The van doors slammed.

"Alright, let's head back to base, we don't know how many Walkers are around here".

The front drivers door opened and the guy from before hoped in the driver's seat.

He slammed the door shut and sighed. "You kids are in for one hell of a night".

He chuckled before turning the keys in the ignition and putting it in gear.

I listened to the rain thundering against the van roof.

Everything else was quiet before we drove off into the darkness.

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